Reaching For A Traitor: October 14th, 1993 pt 2

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"Let me get this straight," I said. "You're gonna bewitch every one of these snowballs and you're gonna make them go after Draco?" I tried to hide the excitement in my voice but my grin kept managing to show.

George nodded- or at least I think that one is George. I only knew because he was slightly taller and had a couple of moles on his neck. "Are you really gonna be helping us?" Asked Fred with furrowed brows.

"Of course I am!" I took a look at the pile of snowballs, "Where'd you get the snowballs again?"

George groaned fiercely slapping his palm against his face, "A snowing charm. What do professors teach you these days!?" I didn't answer.

I was absolutely astounded by all the magic the boys could do. I wonder how much magic I'll be doing by second year. Maybe by fourth year, I'll have the stomach to be an Auror!


This is not what I was thinking by helping two Gryffindors with a prank. I didn't realize how serious they were about jokes. Then again, Fred had insisted for me to wear headgear. The helmet was black, and even though it didn't fit my head properly, I knew it made me look even younger than I already looked. Apparently, the freckles weren't enough for me...

"Excuse me?" I murmured. All three of us were crouched down behind a brick dam. It seems Draco would be coming back from Hogsmeade any second now.

When I got no answer from either of the Weasleys I decided to say it.

"Who in the bloody hell is Charlie Weasley," I was quite confused, why I was supposed to be wearing a helmet like this one, but in faded white ink it had a name on it that wasn't familiar to me. I only noticed it moments ago when I was supposed to be putting it on.

At this rate, I think I'd rather take it off. I guessed I also regret ever asking to help them in the first place.

"Sh!" George said, looking 'round the corner, "I see them."

I heard Fred muttering an insane amount of curse words before whispering the spell. I watched in amazement as the snowballs began to levitate. All three of us stared in awe, our eyes followed the group of snowballs as it passed the brick wall and to the trail that Draco was apparently coming on.

My knees were covered in muck and dirt as I crawled to watch the feedback of the prank. All three of us were on all fours, dying to see what would happen.

Finally, I heard a screech. But it belonged to a whole different Slytherin. Seconds later a pug-faced girl ran up the trail with a herd of snowballs following behind. Her black hair was already covered in white frost, and so was her black dress coat.

"Parkinson," I muttered.

Fred and Geroge looked at each other in udder confusion.

Where's Draco?

As if my thoughts were being heard, a white-haired Slytherin ran up the tail just like Pansy did. Only I couldn't tell if his hair was covered in snow because his hair color was so similar.

I turned to the two ginger boys, grinning wickedly. George held the same grin as I did, but Fred was the one laughing historically. His laughter reminded me of a happy fountain in the middle of a cave, brightening every gloomy rock.

His laughter became louder and louder, and as he began to snort I couldn't help it.

I laughed too.

I knew it was getting closer and closer to dinner but I'd wish to stay out here all night with these two. Even if they thought I was an irritating first year.

Malfoy yelping was such a foreign sound and it was absolutely hilarious. My laughter slowly faded away as I saw someone else coming up the trail, only he wasn't screaming or running.

He was walking with a girl—my sister.

Theodore was walking with my sister, and they were both laughing.

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