Silence: 1993 November 2nd

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Today was the day I finally acknowledged the two Gryffindors at the great hall, and I wasn't sure what to think of it, but I was in desperate need to talk to someone that wasn't Theo.

"What are you doing?" Theo said with a thick voice.

I was on the verge of getting out of my seat—all because Fred and George were waving me over maliciously.

I wasn't sure what Theo would think if I told him I wanted to sit with my other friends, but we haven't had a sociable conversation for weeks.

In spite of all that, everyone at the Slytherin table was talking so loudly, I don't even think Theodore would be able to hear me talking to him in the first place. I pointed a finger to the Gryffindor table hoping he'd get the note.

He didn't.

He furrowed his eyebrows, his nose all scrunched as he tilted his head, "Excuse me?"

I let out an annoyed breath standing myself up and raising my voice, "I'm sitting by my other friends."

Suddenly rebellion bursted through my bones when the image of Daphne and Theo infused my mind, "And you've been boring, Theo. Really. Boring."

I guess that did it then. I walked right up to the large skim table next to the Slytherins, seeking a spot close to the Gryffindors I knew. I didn't even take the chance to look at Theos puzzled look. For once at my time at Hogwarts, I need to stop reflecting on Theo.

"There you are," Both of the twins said.

I immediately smiled, taking a seat right in between them. They were sitting in front of a Gryffindor that I knew as Lee Jordan, and a few other Gryffindors that are unknown to me.

Ever since i've talked to Fred and George outside of Hogsmeade, we've been doing pranks on and on for weeks. Of course Fred told me to not tell Lee about that, so we've had to do it in secret from all the students.

Most of the pranks have been targeted on the Slytherins, and well- Let's say Potter and Weasley found out about a few of the thrilling pranks we did. I think they were secretly pleased with the fact that we set the West corridor into a complete swamp, so the Slytherins had to go a different way to their dormitories for weeks.

When I'm with Fred and George Weasley I forget about all the Pureblood beliefs. I forget about all the cruel optimisms I'm supposed to believe in.


It wasn't until after dinner when me and Theodore finally made eye contact. But now that we have I don't think he'll look at me again until December.

We used to share classwork answers together in the common room. But now he has his nose stuck in Quidditch Through The Ages. I'm dying to ask him if he knows what this phrase means. Even if I'd ask, I know i'll only be receiving a grunt out of him anyways.

Even when I heard Nott stand up from the leather couch, collecting all his school books, I still didn't spare the boy a glance. One second he was getting up and the other he was walking past the leather ottoman I was lounging at.

That was the only time when I peeked his way.

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