The Sorting: 1993 September

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My heart started to beat a little bit faster at the mention of my name. This wasn't about Daphne or my mother anymore- this was all about me. I breathed out, hard and still, just as a statue might whisper. It felt like it had been hours walking up to the high table, but once I sat myself down I finally let out a shaky breath.

I felt beads of sweat on my temple and I couldn't stop rubbing my clammy palms on my robes as the professor lowered the hat onto my head. I was speechless when the hat started to talk. My stomach was so uneasy, and my eyes kept darting everywhere around the great hall.

"Ah- right there," The hat muttered. The voice was cranky and sounded old, almost as if the hat itself had been around before my father was even born. I flinched when the hat spoke again,
"Tricky...Very tricky indeed," The hat paused. "I recognize this feeling...very accepting- oh but very courageous as a matter of fact," I closed my eyes tightly, scared to even open them.

The crackly voice went on, "I sense the need to prove yourself, I feel a strong sense of justice too-"

"I can't be Hufflepuff," I cut the hat off, muttering quietly.

"Not Hufflepuff?" The hat answered, "Well then, better be... SLYTHERIN!"

I opened my eyes wide as the hat immediately got taken off my head. The Slytherin table immediately exploded into yells and cheers and I merrily walked over to the large group as I bit the inside of my cheek.

I was hoping to see my sister applause the loudest, but as I sat down, sad to say she was giggling and whispering to Parkinson. I reckon she'd rather be her sister than me.
I brushed off the thought even though I know I'd quite like that idea.


It didn't take long for the other first years to get sorted. It was very interesting to watch the hat sort the students into the four houses. By the end of the sorting, I was delighted that I went first. The cheering gradually got softer and it wasn't as violent and alive when the ceremony first started.

I watched mesmerized as the headmaster stepped up onto the podium and began to speak. I could just tell he knows a lot about a lot of things- I can tell by his eyes, and his extraordinary white beard.

The boy sitting next to me looked bored. He's a stringy boy, except he looked darkly beautiful, and his locks were as brown as hazel nut. When he turned my way his eyes immediately reminded me of a chocolate river. Rich, and sweet.

Once the headmaster was done talking, food appeared all over the table, and immediately my stomach started to growl. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until I made eye contact with the roast beef.

"Another Greengrass, is it?" The brunette boy mocked.

I just nodded. I was still a bit nervous to be sorted into Slytherin. Daphne made it sound like Slytherins were snakes.

Right...I'm in Slytherin.

"Just like your sister," He spoke again. "Never talking because you think you're better than everyone else."

"I don't think I'm better than everyone else," I finally said.
"Then go ahead and tell me something. You have a mouth for a reason," He taunted.

I just felt so intimidated by his presence, but I didn't let the stereotype of the mouse and the cat stop me. In this instance though, I would be the mouse.

I swallowed hard, "I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours." My voice was alarmingly quiet. I was for sure the mouse. He just grinned as if I'd just said the most hilarious thing in the world.

"My name? It's Theodore- Theodore Nott." Theodore mentioned, "Now tell me yours, Greengrass."

His name was so familiar it could've lured me in right there. He's a pureblood. That's why his name is so familiar. Even I would know that.

"Astoria," my voice was shrill and thin when I said it.

I watched Theodore swallow, and now he was nodding. My eyes followed his hands which kept placing portions of food on my plate. I didn't even realize I had a plate in front of me...

"Hey- I can do that on my own..." I reached my hand out just for Theodore to slap it, and I swiftly moved my hand away, "Right. Sorry."

After my plate was filled with beef Sunday roast, lamb, toffee pudding, potatoes, and shepherd's pie he finally smiled at me. This smile wasn't like any other smile. It was like the glowing sun itself.

"It's gonna be a long night for you, Astoria." Nott spoke, "Eat up."

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