Theodore Nott: 1993 September 21st

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The classes weren't as pitiful as Daphne told me they would be. I quite liked the classes. Or at least most of them.

Charms, Transfiguration, and sometimes Potions I was the best at. I couldn't remember a single thing about celestial science, and I wasn't brilliant at all with The Dark Arts. Don't even get me started on Herbology...I remember well last week we were starting on savage-looking plants.

Venomous Tentacula, I think it was. I was very engrossed with the charming plant. The elegant green caught my eye too quickly. Literally. The toothsome vines snatched my arm and I can remember the high-pitched scream I let out.

Professor Sprout said she'd leave it for the sixth years. I was very much thankful to hear that.

Regardless of all the classes, the only thing I should be thinking about is this History Of Magic assignment I've been working on.

"Who was the minister of magic that served from 1811 to 1819?" I echoed from my schoolwork.

I focused on Theodore who was sitting on the black leather couch across from mine. He was sitting knees apart, gaping down at a book. I couldn't read the title but I knew it had nothing to do with school work.

"Merlins Ass," He answered without even glancing at me.

"Oh..." I muttered. It took me a while to puzzle together what he said until it finally hit me. I immediately threw the autobiography of Roderick Plumpton.

Spoiler alert: The book was seven pounds and hit him right in the head.

"I'm serious!" I shouted.

For the past few weeks I've been at Hogwarts, Theodore offered to help me with my schoolwork for the first couple of days of classes. I felt very deliberate about what he was offering considering he's in his third year. He was generous the first few days, he was.

Now he's being an arse.

Theodore's eyebrows pushed together, "I don't know, Astoria!"

I couldn't tell if he was irritated because I was desperate to know the answer to the question or because the book he was reading before along with the autobiography was floating up above him. I ignored it.

"But you've already learned all this, Theo!" I exhaled, "Fine...I'll give you a little clue."

I gave Theodore an odd look as he tried to collect the books except for each time he tried to reach up and grab them they would just get higher. I was starting to get impatient, "The Minister established the Department of Magical Games!"

I threw the book down, waving my arms up stupidly, "Who is it?!"

"Draco!" He shouted.

I huffed, "No you bloke! This is History Of Magic, not Astrology!"

Theodore made immediate eye contact with me, with books still spinning around his head like a halo, "NOT THE HOMEWORK! MALFOY! I'M TALKING ABOUT MALFOY."

Instantly, I yipped my head around, and there he was. I haven't made contact with him at all since the train. Or at least none I remember. His pale complexion was noticeable as well as his sleeked blonde hair. He was tall and lanky. However, not as tall as Theo was.

There was a thud- then another. Both books had dropped down hitting Theodore in the head before falling to the floor. Theodore groaned roughly, which is likely from the pain. Malfoy stepped his way closer to Theodore before leaning down and picking up the book Theodore was engrossed with earlier.

"Charles Dickens?" Draco snarked, "What would your father think of this, Nott?"

I didn't understand what Malfoy meant but I felt a bit of sympathy for Theo. He was the first friend I've made here- and no doubt, probably the best if I'm counting Alice Tolipan, and my sister. Theos face was tense and full of despair.

His lips parted but I spoke before him, "That's my book." I muttered just loud enough for both of them to hear.

Draco turned to me with a wrinkled nose, "What?"

"It's my book," I said again. "I want it back please."

Theo looked just as confused as Malfoy did as he handed it back to me. I couldn't read either of their expressions but I did learn one thing:

Theodore Nott was my best friend.

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