[15] Afterword

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Hello! so I'm here to tell you all about me and this book so yeah!

Who am I?

Hello lovely + amazing people of the internet and platform of Wattpad! I am 24iJenz, but I like to be called Jen. I am British and my pro-nouns are she/her. I am also South-Asian but I was born in England so yeah. I am not a writer though I do find it fun to write books because I find it enjoyable and a way to work and play. I don't know what else to say about me so yes. My life's not that interesting so uhm...

How and why was this book created?

I created this book because I wanted to show the vast world ideas that I had and how I could write them up. I had no idea that this book would be what it is today so I am so grateful to call this book completed. I didn't think I would make it past 10 chapters but 14? Wow! I am so lucky to be here writing for you amazing and lovely people but I wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for you so a huge thank you to you! After posting maybe 2 or 3 chapters I hadn't written in over a month for no reason at all. I thought why don't I spend my summer holidays doing anything but extra work for school. Writing? Yeah, I'll pass. Little did I know that it would be the most funnest thing ever. I spent the last half of my holidays updating everyone about my "break" and how I'd be returning. I left this book at 200-300 views and now here I am at 1.3k! I literally gained 300 views in 8-9 days... like WHAT? So yeah, thank you for all the love and care that you have shown and sent to me and I'm wishing you the best of luck/ in life. Just know that I love you so much, take care bye!

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