(R) Chapter 2: Improv Extrordinair

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Y/n: ''Scheiße, This shit hurts!...*Sigh* I knew i should have incorporated those metal guard's in my design... ''

After the accident he just had with those 'Goons' from whatever terrorist group they where. He tore some strand's of cloth from his own jacket. Using it with what he could scagange from those guys that attacked him, to bandage him up


He didnt have enough.
He had enough to bandage up the wound on his side, and the one on his arm... But at some point they would have to be replaced with clean ones. The moment any of those wounds start to get infected again... 

His chances of survival will look even more slim.

Looking down the flaming hallway, he note's that he should not use explosive's in enclosed space's anymore. Hell, why did he think that was a good idea to begin with?

Urgh, i've played to much DRG.... This is what indiscretionary use of explosive's on large targets does to a man...Still.

At least now i've got a name to put on these guys.

As he begins to ponder: Still, Reuniting.... What, exactly? There are multiple way's to get to such a goal, but of course. They woke up and decided violence!

Well, whatever the case... thats 5 down.... how many left to go..

As he began to drag himself off the ground, the wound on his side began to sting. Abrubtly flinching as it did.. This is going to be a looooong day.

Using the sword as a means to support himself, he got back to his feet. After a few minute's of getting his bearings he was able to walk without much problem... Apart from the pain.

Thinking back to what he saw back there, he begins to wonder... Is that what those Reunion guy's are after.... 

To fucking Reunite all the furry's in the whole world?

....Okay, that is probably the most dumb thing ive thought in a while... Not going to lie.

Still, it does raise some questions... For example, did they get turned INTO furries... or where they furries from the get go? 

Quickly shelving those... 'Inhuman thoughts'. He begins to get back to the task at hand, Getting a better scope of the area. 

Before he is able to start his ascend once more however. He hear's a large amount of footstep's approaching... Seems they weren't alone.

Of course. Where there is one bug, there are always more behind...

As he begins to look through his various pocket's and bag's. He doesn't have much to work with in this kinda situation... But still.

He can at least slow them down!

As he quickly grabs a piece of the leftover rope from his backpack, and trails it along the stair's. Before tightening the rope, attatching multiple smoke grenade's to the it as well. Before pulling the pin on all of them.

As he begins to move up the stairs as fast as he can. 

After a few minute's however, the sound of the smoke's going off fills his ear's. As do multiple angry voice's...

Seem's he isnt going to be very popular around these guy's huh....

Rushing up floor by floor, he knows this is but only a temporary solution... Eventualy he will be out of stair's to climb...

Hiding in plain sight wont work... I could try pulling that stunt from last time again. But big chance that at least one of them know's the voice's of some in the group that hunted me... I can't risk that, especialy with this many people chasing me.

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