Chapter 8

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*Violettas pov*

We walk down the stairs, because we smelled, that dinner's almost ready. I look down at our intertwined fingers and couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. My dad makes his way through the door frame and I immediately let Diegos hand go. He gives me a confused look. "I'll explain it later" I say quietly.
"Violetta? Go wash your hands, dinner will be ready in..-" He stops talking.
"Dad? Everything alright?"
"Yes, but I didn't know, that you were in your room with a boy. Alone and a closed door. We have to talk later."
"Sure..Anyways Diego this is my dad Germán Castillo. Dad this is Diego."
"Nice to meet you, sir." Diego shakes hand with my father. "Aha." is the only thing my dad answers.
He has a problem when I'm with boys. I think, that he just wants to protect me, but it's annoying..He can be so jealous sometimes.
"Dad? Can Diego have dinner with us? Please." I say with my cutest face.
"Hm yes."
I run into his arms and hold my father close. After we let go from each other, I walk over to Diego and take his hand again, when my father is gone. We make our way to the table and sit down on the stairs. Angie makes her way to us and sits on the opposite side of me. She greets Diego with a "Hello" and a little smile. I feel her looks, because I think she probably knows something.
We eat our dinner in silence. Neither my dad nor me want to say something. My dad just looks disgusted to Diego now and then.
"Diego, Violetta why don't you play something on the Piano for us?" Asks Angie. I look at Diego and he gives me a nod and a smile. We go to the piano and he sits down. My dad stands to his left. He starts playing the first notes and I start singing the first lines to 'Yo soy así'.
I smile at Diego during the song and so does he. He sings with so much passion, I'd listen to his voice the whole day. My dad starts clapping, but he still has this look on his face.
"That was wonderful. Really." Says my aunt excited.
"Thank you, Angie. Can we go upstairs? Pleeeeeease." I answer, mostly asking my dad.
"Yes but don't stay that long, Diego."
"Sure, sir. Thank you."
We go straight to my room again and I close the door behind me.
"Your father doesn't like me, does he?"
"No..But It's not about you. He hates every boy, that I talk to." I try to relax him and I put my arms around his neck.
"Wow. That makes everything better, thank you, Violetta." He rolls his eyes.
"Stop it Diego. I hate it when you roll with your eyes." I say giggling but now he does it even more. "I wanted to kiss you one last time, but you messed it up." With a triumphant gaze on my face I turn around. because I know, that he wanted it as much as I.
"Oh no. Please don't do this to me." He says sadly like a 5 year old kid.
"Okay..One little kiss. Not more." And with that, he turns me around and his lips touch mine. Even though he wants the entrance to my mouth, I don't give it to him. I stop kissing him after a few seconds and I cam see a pouting Diego.
"You're like a little kid. You know that?" I manage to say it between some laughter.
"Yes, but like a little kid who's in love with you." Oh no. Why do I have to turn light red every time? He smirks at me.. Of course.
"It's so cute that your cheeks begin to be red, after I say something like this."
"It's not funny."
"Yes it is. Anyways, I wanted to ask you something.." He stops for a moment. "Would you like to go on a date? With me? Tomorrow?" He looks straight into my eyes, probably hoping, that I say yes.
"I've to think about..." I joke. "What a question. Of course I want." My arms make their way again to his neck for a hug. He lays his strong arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. "Thank you." he says very quietly. "I'll pick you up at 6.30 tomorrow."
"Eh okay. Am I allowed to know where we're going?"
"No you aren't. It'll be a surprise. Sorry but I should go now or your dad is going to kill me."
"Well..Okay. I wish you'd stay longer. But goodbye, Diego." I give him one last peck on the lips and he goes to the door.
"Goodnight, Princess. Sweet dreams." When he stands in the door frame, he turns around one last time and waves at me. With that, he leaves. I'm so happy, that I've him on my side.

Time skip

"Violetta, we'd talk. Now." My dad says after entering my room.
"Well Okay. What do you want to tell me?"
"You know, that I don't like it when you're with a boy in your room. You should have said something."
"Dad but you weren't home. I won't call you, because of that. I thought, that you trust me."
"I trust you, but I don't trust him. Maybe he wants something else. I'm just trying to protect you!"
"No you aren't trying to protect me! You think you do, but you don't want that I grow up! You're just jealous, because I'm around boys now and not around you anymore! You've to accept it. I promise, that he doesn't use me for anything, dad. Please give him a chance. He's really nice. You'd trust me, okay? I'm not that little girl anymore, who isn't allowed to go outside. I've true friends here in Buenos Aires and I can do, what I like the most. I promise you, that I won't do anything, that makes you sad, but please let me grow up the way I want."
"I love you, Violetta. I live the young woman you're now. But you've to understand me too. It's not easy to let you go, okay?" I run in his arms and I can feel, that a tear hits my shoulder.
"Don't cry dad, okay? I'll be your little girl forever."
Now he let's go and kiss me on the cheek. He leaves my room and I lay down to sleep. I check my phone last time and see a message.
"Hope your dad isn't that angry. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night you beautiful girl. Diego x"
I smile and start to drift into a deep sleep.

Hey what do you think about this chapter ? I thought, that I should write a little 'fight situation' between Violetta and her dad, I don't know, if it's plausible haha :). Next update will be on Monday with some cute Dieletta moments, if it's going to work as I expect. Please vote on this one and maybe write a comment ? ❤

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