Chapter 10

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*Violettas pov*

"Diego we're walking for 30 minutes.
How long does it take to go there by now?" I ask a bit annoyed.
"We're almost there. And please don't be that childish, we're on a date, Princess." He says, touching my nose with his finger. "Here we are. Do you remember this place?" He sounds nervous. Why does he think, that I can't remember this place?
"Yes. Yes, of course I remember. Here we had our first 'almost kiss' before Ludmila stopped us. Not very nice of her." I say, smiling a bit, because he brought me to this special place for our first date.
"Yeah.. I still hate her because of this." Diego says laughing. "Alright. Let's go over to the lake, everything should be ready by now."
My boyfriend leads me to the lake and I can't believe my eyes. He put a picnic laket in the middle of a heart of roses and candles. I immediately start to hug him, because it's so sweet.
"Thanks, Diego. You're the best."
"It's not everything. You'll see."
We sit down on the blanket and some music starts to play. It sounds so nice with the sound of the birds in the background. Suddenly Diego starts to grab some food off the basket I haven't seen until now.
We eat in silence, but I'm still wondering about the other little 'surprise'.
"Uhm Diego? What's the other thing, you didn't want to tell?"
"I'm not going to say it until I didn't get a kiss." He says with a smirk on his face.
"You're a cheater, but okay."
I lean in for a kiss. He wants to kiss me with tongue and with passion, but when he plays with me, I'll play too! So before he holds me even closer, because he wants to kiss me more, I lean back and continue with eating. He looks confused.
"Everything alright?" I ask, triumphant.
"Yes, of course."
"So the surprise is..? "
"Turn to the lake." He grabs my hands. There's a little boat on the lake, and I ask him, if it's for us. He just nods and helps me up. I climb on the boat and we just sit there and talk now and then. We kiss each other; this time passionate because I'm so happy right now, that he did it just for me.
I can't say how much I say 'thank you' during the kiss, but I can't help it. We break apart after our kiss and I'm in shock. I don't see Diego anymore. Instead it's León! Why? I don't have feelings for him anymore.
"Everything alright, Princess?" Diego asks with fear in his voice.
"Yes, but it's better, when I go home now, I'm so sorry. I'm not feeling well. Good night. I'll call you tomorrow." I give him one last kiss on his cheek and leave a confused Diego behind me. Why did I saw him? I'll tell Diego tomorrow.

*Diegos pov*

Didn't she like the date? I thought, that she likes this romantic stuff. Was it too much? No, she said, that she doesn't feel well and I believe her. I'll ask her tomorrow how she feels. Maybe she's really just ill or something.
I call Marco and we pick up the things from the ground.
"Hey mate, do you want to stay over tonight? Maybe you need a friend to talk."
Marco says. He's such a good friend, he's always there for me.
"Yes thanks Marco."
We leave the park and go over to his house.

*Violettas pov*

I'm home now and I've to think. Maybe I'd read my mothers old diary.
"Violetta? What happened?" It's Federico.
"Let's go to my room and I'll tell you."
We go upstairs and inside my room. I sit down on my bed and he on my chair behind my keyboard.
"I was on a date with Diego. It was really nice and he did such cute things just for me! But after we kissed, I saw León instead of him and I'm so confused. I don't love León anymore, I'm with Diego. I went home after this and I haven't even explained the situation to him. Please help me. You're like a brother, Federico. You know me better, than anyone else and we know each other for 14 years now." I please.
"Yeah yeah alright, I get it. I think you saw León, because he was your first love. You were together for over one year and it's probably hard to forget the times you had. I don't think, that you love him. You just miss him, because you can't live without him from today to tomorrow. You haven't seen each other, I mean, he is barely in the studio. I think, that you should talk. Violetta. I'm sure, that you love Diego. Promise."
"Thank you. You're the best."
"I know." he laughs and I hit him with a pillow. "Ouch."
"I was wondering, why you're here again. You said, that you were by Maxi, but I know, that you weren't. You were by Ludmila, weren't you! Tell me!" I scream excited.
"How do you know?"
"Because I talked with her last week and I smelled your cologne. Are you guys together?"
"Hm.. Yes..We're. One month now." he answers ashamed.
"And you didn't tell me? Don't you trust me?" I say, pouting.
"Yes I do, but Ludmila wanted to keep it a secret at the beginning. So if it doesn't work between us, nobody will know, that we were together."
"Clever." I admit. "Would you mind to play something on my keyboard? Maybe 'rescata mi corazón'? "
"Yes let's start."
We're singing and playing until 4am and I forgot the boys completely. At least for a few hours. It's good to not think about it and do other things, because then you don't overthink your actions. Federico leaves my room, after I fell asleep. I'll call Diego tomorrow and tell him everything.

Hey sorry for that boring chapter, but I wanted to update. I wanted to write a bit of the date, but with a little 'confusion' from Violetta. Don't know, when I'll update again, but I try to update at the beginning of the next week. Hope you like that chapter though. And I'd like to read some comments again ❤

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