Vances dad is an asshole [2]

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I hate this chapter sm I'm probably gonna delete it you don't have to read this chapter btw
This is just a little chapter for those who need to punch their phone
No but seriously s you DONT have to read this one you can skip it cus it's not that Important  <3
idk something feels off about this chapter but whatever enjoy? 😭
10:30 am, I know what you are 😈 gc
Finney: Guys we should hangout today I'm so bored!

Robin: That would be cool! What should we do?


Vance: If Bruce goes I guess I can go.

Bruce: I would love to!

Griffin: Sure whatever fuck It.

Billy: That would be so cool!!

Robin: Okay so everyones down! But who's house are we gonna do it at?

Finney: Definitely Bruces house :)


Finney: My dads an asshole

Robin: I have like 5'000 uncles and aunts staying In my house (If your hispanic you know what I mean)

Vance: My parents are also assholes.

Billy: My parents wouldn't let vance and robin inside-

Vance: Huh, Why ?

Robin: Yeah why?

Billy: They don't like you guys, Vance beats people up over a game, Robin beats people up for dumb reasons.

Robin: My reasons are always valid fuck you

Vance: My game is very important stfu.

Billy: The point is my house isn't available sorry

Bruce: What about Griffin?

Griffin: I simply don't want you guys In my house

Bruce: UGHH fine you guys can sleepover at my house ill pick you guys up

Bruce first picked up Finney and Robin

Bruce: Hey guys!

Finney: Hi Bruce!!

Robin: Hey Bruce!

Bruce smiled at them then continued driving to Billy's house so he could pick him up.

Bruce: Hey Billy!

Robin: Hey dude!

Finney: Hi Billy!!!

Billy said Hi then smiled while he entered the car (idk how to word this?)

Bruce then picked up Griffin and everyone said Hi

Griffin: dude the car is full how is Vance gonna get In?

Bruce was In the drivers seat, Griffin was In the passenger seat and Robin,Billy, and Finney were all beside each other, behind Griffin and Bruce.

Bruce: Uhh your right I hadn't thought about that...

Finney: Maybe you could drop us off at your house first?

Bruce: Vance said he got into a fight with his parents I don't think its safe for him to stay any longer..

Robin: I'm sure it wont take that long to drop us off!

Bruce: I guess your right!

Bruce dropped off everyone at his house then speeded to Vance's house

(TW: There will be mentions of child abuse and implied child abuse? Idk how to explain it )

Bruce arrived at Vance's house worried, he felt a little guilt leaving vance in a bad family situation like that but he really had no space inside the car.
Bruce texted vance but bruce didn't get a reply back. Bruce was starting to worry so he exited his car and started walking to Vance's front door. he was about to knock but then he heard yelling and something being thrown. Bruce started getting really worried but he saw a
window so he decided to see what was happening, to be honest he just wanted to check on vance. (TW: this is the part where the child abuse/implied child abuse comes up)
he saw vance running from who bruce thought was his dad?
(Btw Robin,Finney,Griffin, and Billy were watching a horror movie while they waited for bruce)

(Vances pov)
I started running from my crazy ass dad because he was trying to fucking murder me??? Okay maybe not murder but he clearly wanted to hurt me In some way. I swear my dad fights with me for no reason

Vance's dad had a pocket knife and was literally chasing vance around the house while Vance's mom just stood there watching. Vance kept running, he was literally playing ring around a rosey with his father. While vance was running from his father he saw bruce. Bruce had terror In his eyes, vance didn't want Bruce to see what was happening. Vance started slowing down because he got distracted by bruces face, the fear In bruces eyes. Vance felt horrible then BAM he tripped. His dad ran to vance before vance could get
up and just started attacking him with the knife, not even using the knife he literally just used the knife to hit Vance. Vance tried getting up but his dad kept attacking him with the knife.
(Vances pov)

I was mortified to see bruce like that, I was so deep In thought that I had tripped over something my dad threw earlier. I tried to crawl away but my dad grabbed my leg and LITERALLY STARTING ATTACKING ME. He didn't hurt me that bad but he did leave a few marks. I kicked my dad off of me and started punching my dad "go to hell" I said as I punched his chin. I kept punching him until he passed out. He had had it coming to be honest, my mom stared at me and then walked upstairs I sighed then jumped as I heard the door fling open.

Bruce ran to vance apologizing. Bruce hugged vance tightly

Vance: Why are you saying sorry?

Bruce: I feel bad because the car was full and-
Vance Laughed

Vance: Bruce its fine, it's not like he killed me this happens most of the time anyway. Vance said as he laid Bruces head on his shoulder.

Vance: Lets go before those dumbass start getting mad at us

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Vance: Lets go before those dumbass start getting mad at us.
Vance said while rolling his eyes.

Bruce smiled, Vance got up and helped Bruce get up. They both ran outside the house and opened Bruce's car door. Bruce drove to a walmart parking lot and gave Vance an ice pack to help with the bruises.
They ended up going inside Walmart to buy a couple things for the sleepover.
I don't really like this chapter, its kinda confusing but i wanted you guys to see what Vance's parents are like. I will post the next chapter soon <3 any suggestions are appreciated !
Words: 1046

If I should delete this tell me <333 I won't be offended

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