Vances dad strikes again [6]

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11:00pm, bruces room
Weather: rain (this is important)
Bruce had just finished cleaning his room because he's a clean freak

Bruce: finally, now ill just fix my bed so i can sleep

Bruce fluffed his pillows up and then remembered something

Bruce: OH the gift!
Bruce grabbed the Walmart bag and hid it under some clothes in his closet

Bruce then jumped on his bed and started to drift to sleep
3am 😧
Weather: still raining

Bruce heard knocking coming from somewhere so he opened his eyes confused
Bruce: where is that coming from?

Bruce sat up looking left and right but he didn't see anything
then he heard a knock right beside his ear
He screamed, he saw someone in his window

Bruce: AHH
Bruce grabbed a pillow and held it as if he was gonna throw it

Bruce: it must be my imagination
Bruce said closing his eyes trying to find the lamp
Bruce turned on his lamp and saw-

Bruce: VANCE??
Bruce opened his window and saw vance with blood all over his face along with water dripping from his curls

Vance: uh hey bruce, can i sleep here?

Bruce: of course
Bruce helped vance get inside

Bruce: Jesus Christ vance what happened?

Vance: i don't want to talk about it
Vance said sighing

Bruce turned on the light

Bruce: here let me grab the med kit
Bruce walked inside the bathroom in his room
Then came out a couple minutes later with the med kit

Bruce: here sit
Bruce tapped on his bed

Vance sat on bruces bed

Bruce opened the med kit and started cleaning the blood off of Vance's face, there wasn't any serious injury's just some scratches across his nose and eyes

Bruce: do you need an ice pack?

Vance: ill be OW- fine
Vance was holding his nose
Bruce: yeah ill take that as a yes
Bruce pulled out those shake to activate ice packs
Bruce placed it on his nose gently

Bruce: here hold it, ill go find some extra clothes so you can change

A few minutes later

Bruce: i found the largest clothes i had
Bruce gave vance the clothes

Bruce: if you want to shower i have some towels as well

Vance: sure
Bruce handed him some towels
Vance smiled then went inside bruces bathroom

Bruce started fixing his bed again, then making a fake bed on the floor for himself
In the bathroom ( vance finished showering he was already changed n everything)
vance stared at himself in the mirror
All the scratches,scars,bruises
Yet bruce still talked to him
He didn't understand, why bruce would be his friend?
He didn't understand, why is bruce the one that stole his heart? (
Okay slay ghost, hyping myself up helps me ignore it)

Vance sighed and was about to leave when he saw a note inside the trash
Vance wanted to be nosey/nosy idfk
He grabbed the note and read it
It seems like a note passed in class
"Dear vance, i like you" -bruce
To basic - robin
"Dear vance, i have a crush on you" - bruce
Still basic - robin
"I love you vance"
Cheesy - robin
Fuck you robin - bruce
Ill help you later we gotta finish our work - robin
Vances face started to feel warm
Bruce liked vance? No he must have read it wrong, right?
Vance threw the note and stared at himself in the mirror again
Vance: fuck, my face
(The first time i forgot the comma, It looked so wrong)
Vance slapped himself because slapping yourself will make you stop blushing (sarcasm)
Vance stopped blushing then heard a knock at the bathroom door

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