Unlucky vancey {filler}

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I have bad luck often
so i made this filler chapter while i think of the last aquarium parts <3
This part has bruce,vance and robin mainly
I know what you are 😈 gc, 4pm

Billy: how was everyone's day?

Bruce: good!

Robin: it was okay

Finney: fun!

Griffin: mid

Vance: i want to kill myself

Billy: what happened vance?

Vance: i have bad luck today

Bruce: how do you know?

Vance: i woke up and tried washing my face but my sink broke

Bruce: thats not that bad

Vance: after my sink broke i tried using my bathtub so i could at least brush my teeth

Bruce: and?

Vance: i turned on the bathtub and my shower broke

Vance: so when i turned it on, the shower head turned on instead and i got my hair all wet

Robin: HAHA

Bruce: Robin shut up!

Bruce: anyway, thats not that bad vance! That happens all the time, I'm sure!

Vance: i tried making oatmeal in the microwave, it exploded in my face

Robin: DAMNN

Bruce: well thats not good, but its not bad luck!

Vance: i opened the freezer and got ice cream so i can atleast eat something

Vance: and i closed the freezer door too fast so the fridge started rocking

Vance: so i tried grabbing on to the freezer door so it wouldn't fall

Vance: and then i saw a cockroach on the floor and it started running towards me

Robin: damn

Vance: there's more

Robin: aint no way..

Vance: so i tried stepping on the cockroach

Vance: but i slipped and tried grabbing onto the fridge but the fridge fell on me

Bruce: i-


Vance: you thought i finished?

Robin: wait what

Vance: there's more

Robin: uh oh

Vance: after i got up from under the fridge my dad came home

Vance: So he got mad and slapped me

Robin: istg I'm gonna kill him


Robin: STILL??

Vance: ANYWAY so after he slapped me, i had to pick up everything that fell from the fridge

Robin: well that sucked

Vance: Robin i swear to fucking god if you keep interrupting me your gonna see your parents


Bruce: continue vance!

Vance: anywayyy, so after the whole fridge accident happened i went to my room and turned on my room fan

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