How could we ever just be friends? [21]

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                             guys clearly loved the cliffhanger! 🥰

(Please stop threatening me 🥰)

Anyway good donna era 🤭
(Im sorry but donna, amy and gwen would be a good friend group)

(Did u guys realize what i did in the titles 🤭)

Anyway time to continue because I don't have anything else to say and you just want to read (clearly...)

(Irl) at the park, 11:25 am (amys pov)

Me and Gwen were sitting down on the bench still talking

I decided it was time, but how would i mention it?

Maybe i should just straight up say it?

I guess that should work- maybe?

Amy: um..gwen?

Gwen: yes amy?

She smiled

Amy: so I've been wanting to tell you something..

Gwen: what is it??

Amy: uhh, well...i lik-


I turned around to see donna jogging towards us

I stared at Gwen

Gwen: omg hi dons!!

"dons" what a stupid fucking nickname

its a decent nickname actually, I'm just saying that because I'm tired of donna coming around when I'm trying to hangout with Gwen

Donna stood beside us

Donna: i didn't know you would be here?

Gwen: Yeah I'm with amy!

Donna: ohh cool! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me! I bought tickets for the smile movie, its later today!

(Shut up, I'm rushing this and I couldn't think of any other movie 😭)

Gwen stayed silent for a second

She stared at me then stared at donna

Gwen: uhh...

Donna smiled while she waited for gwens answer

I sighed

I whispered in gwens ears

Amy: its fine gwen, you can go watch the movie with her

Gwen stared at me then donna

Gwen: i would love too watch the movie with you, but I haven't been able to hangout with amy yet at all

Donna looked a little agitated

Donna: hm, thats okay! Why don't you take her with you? Amy can buy another ticket real quick!

Gwen looked at me

Gwen: do you want to go with us?

I smiled

Although, i don't know if I'll be able to buy a ticket

Amy: let me see if i can buy a ticket first

Everyone nodded
Direct messages between birthgiver and amy

Amy: can you buy me a ticket to the smiles movie

Birthgiver: for what?

Amy: donna and gwen invited me to the movies

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