The demons get loud some times [28]

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It will nEver end 😰

anyway how r u all doing 🤭

I'm great thanks for asking 🤭

Idk when this story will end tbh but Maybe soon i gUess we Will never know

Also i think I should start posting orginaL storys on ao3 but idk 😍

Also their may or maynot be a small secret spoiler to this chapter in this intro 😈

i have to keep typing so i can fit the secret message in


eEmo = u

TeTas is boobs in Spanish btw

haHahaha (i am strugglIng to find the letterS for the message bRo stfu)


Btw Venus is a cool namE i want to Name one of my sims character that

okay you can Go now

eEnjoy or whatever 😈

I forgor the name of this gc 😈 gc

Bruce: our life is so bizarre

Vance: my head hurts 😪

Bruce: i wonder why...maybe bc you drank a whole bottle of alcohol bc someone dared u too !😨

Robin: skill issue

Vance: well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions!

Robin: brro i threw s my phone bc i fot  scated and bow i think my shits vroken

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Robin: brro i threw s my phone bc i fot  scated and bow i think my shits vroken.,.,:..

Vance: translation: bro i threw my phone bc i got scared and now i think my shits broken......

Bruce: damn thats crazy

Finney: bruce tell amy to answer gwen

Bruce: meow

Bruce: sorry the demons

Vance: what

Bruce: wdym? Amys at your house?

Finney: no shes at your house?

Bruce: nuh uh

Finney: yeah huh

Bruce: nuh uh

Robin: bro lost gus suster

Vance: (bro lost his sister)

Bruce: nuh uh

Vance: babe plz 💀

Finney: bro forgot "s" exsistrst

Robin: excusrs

Vance: bruh its excistss

Bruce: exists. Anyway

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