-Chapter 2-

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[8 years later]
[Hunter's POV]

"Mommy!" I yelled as I run downstairs to my adopted mom(aka Lilith) who was in the living room sewing a dress for a client of hers.

She looks up from what she's doing and asks, "Yes, Hunter?"

"Can I come with you when you go to work?! Please! You said that I could last time you went!" I begged her as I always wanted to go to work with her ever since Auntie Eda was taking her (unofficial) adopted son, King with her when she goes to work.

My mom giggles a little before saying, "Of course you can. In fact there's a client that I'll be visiting today for work that has a kid around your age. I'm sure that they wouldn't mind playing with you while we're there."

I smiled. "Really?! Great! I can't wait to go!"

She giggles at my excitement before saying, "Well we're about to be leaving soon so go get your shoes on. Okay?"

"Okay, mommy!" I run to my room to get my shoes. As soon as I put them on, I run down to my mom who was standing in the doorway waiting for me. "I'm ready!"

"Then let's get going, shall we?" She opens the door and we go outside.

"HAVE FUN, LULU! HUN-HUN! HOOT!" Hooty yells out which makes my mom chuckle a little.

"We will, Hootcifer. Watch the house while we're gone." Mom says as I wave bye to Hooty before we head into town.


[After a few minutes of walking]

After a while, we reached a house that was bigger then the Owl house. Mom knocks on the door before looking at me, "I know that I don't have to tell you this but just as a reminder. Please be on your best behavior. Alright?"

"Okay, mommy. I promise I'll be good." I smile while holding her hand.

She smiles at me before looking that the door as it begins to open to reveal an older male.

"Lilith, Skara has been extremely excited to see her new dress." He looks at me and smiles, "Oh. Who is this?"

"This is my son, Hunter. I hope it was alright for me to bring him along with me"

"That's quite alright. Skara will be pleased to have someone around her age to play with."

The man let us inside and I could see that it was a very nice, big house. He lead us upstairs to a door that had the name Skara on it with stars all around before he knocked on the door.

"Skara, dear, Lilith is here with your new dress and she also brought someone to play with."

As soon as her father said that, the door opens and a dark skinned girl with black hair and gray eyes comes out with a big smile.

"Yay! Can I see it!? Can I, daddy?!" The girl, Skara, said before she noticed me. "Who's he?"

"This is my son, Hunter. He wanted to come with me to work. I thought it would be nice if you two played together. That is if that's alright with you." My mom smiled as she introduces me to Skara.

I shyly look at her while hiding behind my mom. "H-Hi."

"Hi! I'm Skara!" She looks at my mom, saying, "I don't mind playing with him. I actually know something fun that we can do! Follow me!" Skara beckons me to follow her to her room and, with my mom's encouragement, I follow her. The room had red walls and gray furniture with a walk-in closet that I could see had a lot of dresses inside while in the middle of the room were some stuff animals. "We can play princesses and knights. You'll be the knight, I'll be the princess and together we'll defeat the evil monster" She says as she points to a stuffie of a beast demon that was on her bed.

"Okay. So how do we play?" I asked.

"Well for you, I have a fake sword that you can use so we can pretend that you're the knight. I'm gonna go put on the new dress that Ms. Lilith made for me so that I can pretend that I'm the princess. I'll be right back." And with that, she leave the room to look for my mom who was probably talking to talking to her dad.

I look around the room and noticed a shelf with lots of books. I look around and grab a book that I thought was interesting with the title reading, 'The Princess and The Cursed Prince'. I opened it and start reading it for a little bit before I hear a loud 'I'm back!' from behind. I looked to see Skara in a red, sparkly princess dress with a small crown on. She sees the book that I was reading and her eyes got even wider as she smiled even more.

"Do you read 'The Princess and The Cursed Prince' too?! It's my favorite book!" She goes up to me while trying to look at the page that I was read from over my shoulder.

"N-No. I've never read this book before." I admitted.

"Really?!" She asks in a surprised tone.

I nod a little before hearing a knock on the door to see that it was my mom.

"I hope that I'm not interrupting you two."

"Ms. Lilith, Hunter doesn't know what The Princess and The Cursed Prince is! Could you read it to us please?" Skara asks my mom.

"Of course I can." My mom says with a smile as she puts her bag of sewing supplies on a table in the room and sets up to make a new dress for Skara as the said girl hands her the book. My mom opens the book to the first page and lays it against her bag so it can stand up, allowing her to read it while she worked.

Skara and I sit on the ground close to her so we could listen. My mom gets her sewing needles as she reads, "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.."

So can you take a guess on who Charlotte is in this story?
[Word Count: 1,046]

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