-Chapter 4-

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[Hunter's POV]

Once I got inside the house, I saw Auntie Eda stirred the cauldron.

"Auntie!" I yelled which got her attention.

She chuckled, "Well good to see that you're back in one piece, kid." She started ruffling my hair which made me giggle a little as my mom walked in.

"Hooty said that you were making a potion. Can I help?" I excitedly asked, really hoping that she says yes.

Auntie Eda laughed, "Sure, squirt. Can you get me some fire bee honey? It should be in the kitchen."

"Okay!" I exclaimed as I ran to the kitchen. I went over to the cabinets where I knew the jar of fire bee honey was kept. I opened it and grabbed the jar before running back to Auntie Eda.

"I got the fire bee honey, Auntie!" I handed her the jar. She smiled as she takes the jar before saying, "Thanks, squirt." while ruffling my hair.

I went over to the table that the cauldron was sitting on to watch my aunt as she unscrewed the lid of the jar before putting a drop of the honey into a blue liquid that turned it red. I started at the potion in awe as it changed color. I think my aunt noticed my expression because I heard her chuckling.

I looked at her and saw that she was about to grab a wooden spoon. "Can I stir it?" I asked.

Auntie Eda looked at me before smirking, "You sure? The steam is going to be really hot thanks to the honey." Wanting to look tough, I nodded before getting onto a stool that I quickly got from the kitchen and then grabbing the spoon.

Auntie watch me as I began to stir the liquid that was inside the cauldron. I looked at the potion book to see that she was making a scrying potion.

"Did you put any porcuspine quills in the potion?" I asked Auntie to which she shakes her head and replies, "You can put in some fairy tears while I go grab some porcuspine quills from upstairs."

"Okay!" I exclaimed as my Auntie went upstairs. I grab the vial of fairy tears and put in the amount that the potion asked for before stirring.

After a while of stirring the potion, I could hear faint crying from upstairs which let me know that King was awake now. After a while, I could hear my Auntie walking down the stairs.

"Alright, squirt!" My auntie called out. I turned to see her carrying an already asleep King in a pink carrier that she found while looking through human stuff. "I got the porcuspine quills. Think you can manage to put the last two ingredients into the potion by yourself?"

I nod very confidently. After all I was a big boy so I could totally manage to put the quills into the cauldron without help. Auntie smiles and gives me the quills and after checking how many I needed to put in, I added the quills into the cauldron before stirring. The potion turned from red to green and started bubbling.

After I stirred enough, I grab the last ingredient for the potion which was Snaggleback snaggleteeth. I put the amount that the potion needed to be complete before stirring. The potion bubbles more before turning purple, letting me know that it was done.

I smiled really proudly as I looked at my Auntie who was in the middle of feeding King after he woke up from his second nap for the day. "It's finished!" I exclaimed, so happy with myself for finishing the potion without any help.

My Auntie looks at me and smiles. "You sure you put in all of the ingredients?" I nodded my head very confidently. "Yes I did and I did it all by myself too!" My Auntie chuckles. "Well alright then, squirt! Let's see how you did!"

Auntie takes a look at it before she hums a little while looking a little skeptical which made me worried that I did something wrong. "What?" I looked at her worried.

"Well kid, I think..." I started to look down a little disappointed before she suddenly picked me up in her arms and started tickling me, making me laugh as her tone changed to become upbeat again. "...that you had successfully made your first potion like a true witch!"

I could hear my mom laughing a little in the background as she was walking closer to us. "Edalyn, please don't stress Hunter like that."

"Oh come now, Lilly. I was only messing with the little squirt. Besides you should be really proud of yourself! You're the mama bird of a full-on witch here!" She started ruffling my hair before Auntie put me back on the ground.

My mom smiled before she hugs me. "Well I can't argue with her on that. You did a very good job with the potion and I am very proud of you, Hunter." Hearing that from my mom always made me smile.

"Now....I think it's time for dinner and then off to bed for you. Okay?" I looked at my mom and nods before following her to the kitchen for dinner.


[Later That Night; Still Hunter's POV]

During the night, I heard some noises that woke me up from my sleep. Curious, I went to the entrance of the stairway down to listen to the sounds.

"So how was Hunter while you two were at your work?" I could hear my Auntie saying to what I was assuming was my mom.

"He was good. He seemed to get along well with the daughter of my client and she seemed to enjoy hanging out with him." I could hear my mom chuckling a little. "Though he didn't seem to like the story she had picked out for me to read."

My nose scrunched up as I remembered that icky story before I heard Auntie say. "I have to say...I'm really proud of you, Lily. You really did a good job at raising him." I could hear the proud tone that my Auntie was using which immediately made me smile.

"Well you and I can both agree that it wasn't easy. There was a lot of things that needed to be changed around here and sacrificed to make sure that he was being taken care of." Sacrificed? That caught my attention and made me wonder what kind of sacrifices did they have to make in order to raise me.

"You mean that little potion shop that you wanted to buy and open? Do you regret giving-" I could hear my mom cut my Auntie off very quickly. "Of course I don't regret giving that up.. Hunter was way more important than that shop and I would've done it again if I had to."

I could hear my Auntie chuckling a little but I didn't hear anything else since I quietly went back into my room. A potion shop? My mom wanted to buy and open a potion shop but couldn't afford to because she had to take care of me. Even though that's not what she said, that's what I took from it.

As I laid in my bed, I kept thinking about how my mom had given up so much for me along with my Auntie Eda and in that moment, I made a promise to myself that as soon as I'm able to, I would work hard to make enough snails to buy that potion shop for them so that they could sell their potions along with me. That was my dream now and I was going to make it happen.

[Word count: 1281]

Sorry for this taking so long to do. I am currently in college and am working on graduate it so I've been unable to work on this story as much as I wish I could have. I hope you all understand and enjoy this. -w-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22 ⏰

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