Chapter 1: Strange Surroundings

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The sounds of trees rustling against the wind and birds chirping were faintly heard as a groan was heard.

On the ground in the middle of a forest, a boy slowly woke up, brushing himself off and standing up.

The boy was non other than Alex Mustang, a mercenary for hire that currently was stuck at St. Freya due to the agreed payment not being fulfilled yet.

Once Alex was fully conscious, he surveyed his surroundings and immediately began to question where he was or what the hell was even happening.

'Christ my head hurts. Where, the hell even am I? Last thing I was remember was walking the city, and then in the next second I was suddenly out like a light.' He thought to himself.

His train of thought was then halted as he hears the screams of person as out from the corner of his eye, he saw a man appear from out of the bushes but then immediately stumble onto the ground, dropping the wooden spear that was in his head.

Right as Alex was just about to question the man about what was wrong, a loud roar was heard as emerging from the forest was an extremely large bear, however this wasn't just any normal bear

Right as Alex was just about to question the man about what was wrong, a loud roar was heard as emerging from the forest was an extremely large bear, however this wasn't just any normal bear

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The bear had menacing, glowing red eyes, vein like markings all over its body, and had ominous purple, wavy like arms extending out from its back.

'T-The hell kind of bear is that!? Is it even a bear!? With the aura it's giving off this is definitely a Honkai Beast. Whatever it is, it's definitely gotta go down.' Thought Alex as he brought a hand to his back to draw out his sword.

Only problem was that his sword suddenly wasn't there with him as the handle wasn't felt.

Alex immediately panicked, before immediately working with what was there and grabbed the wooden spear.

"This may be not what I'm used to but so be it. Let's go Pooh Bear!" Said the boy.

In an instant, the bear had one of its purple, wavy arms aim straight for Alex.

The boy used the wooden spear to block the incoming attack, and not surprisingly it easily snapped the wooden spear in half.

"God damm-!" Alex was then interrupted as the bear's wavy arms immediately wrapped around the boy's body, preventing him to struggling.

Try all he might, Alex was in a vice grip as the bear had another group of arms immediately wrap around Alex's neck and begin to choke the life out of him.

Alex quickly began to lose consciousness, as his vision slowly began to fade away.

Right before he was completely knocked out, Alex heard the faint sound of a sword slash and the bear roaring in pain as the tight constraints on his neck and body went away, as the boy fell unconscious as he fell to the ground.

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