Chapter 8: Path to an End

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"Kallen, Kaslana? That name, sounds familiar." Said Alex as he started to think on where he had heard that name from before, though Kallen immediately stopped him.

"Right now we have much more important issues to handle." She said.

"Hm? O-Oh right sorry. So um, why'd you show yourself to me?" Asked Alex.

"I'm the reason, Yae's stuck in this cycle of hatred." She said which immediately shocked Alex.

"H-Huh!? You can't just introduce yourself and then immediately drop a bombshell like that!" He shouted.

"Let me explain. 500 years ago, I had come to Yae's village with a small, purple box that contained the Herrscher of Corruption. I was holding onto it to prevent it falling into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, Yae's curiosity got the best of her, as she opened the box and the Herrscher immediately possessed her. With no other choice, I was forced to slay Yae, unfortunately it was too late. The Corruption had found the exact moment in time Yae's hatred had formed, and began this cycle. Initially I had always attempted to free Yae, unfortunately the Corruption had enough and completely wiped me clean from this cycle." Said Kallen.

This now allowed Alex to fully understand why and how exactly the cycle started in the first place.

"Wait. If you were completely erased from this cycle, then how're you here?" He asked.

"Though the Corruption fully erased my physical body, it never got rid of my consciousness. When the purple haired friend of yours arrived with my golden pendant, I immediately possessed it, and waited for the right moment to take action." Said the girl.

"I see. So, you're the one that saved us. Thank you, so much." Said Alex.

"Now then, about the Herrscher of Corruption, it seems as if its finally run out of patience." Said Kallen.

"Oh tell me about it. That thing knows no limits. Not only that, but Mei's sword couldn't even lay the tiniest scratch on it. The fox's impenetrable." Said Alex.

"Yes. That's because the only way to damage it, is by battling its true form. The fox form Hellmaru is just protecting its true self." Said Kallen.

"True form? Then how the hell do we get to it?" Asked the boy.

"Have you noticed that marking just above it's eyes? That's Hellmaru's only weak point. Hit there with a strong, concentrated blast, and it'll immobilize the beast and open up a rift that'll lead you to fight it's true form." Said the girl.

"I see. Well, all that sounds easy enough, but getting Hellmaru in position for a shot on its head is a pretty tall task to accomplish."

"No worries. Though I may only be a mere pendant in this world, I'll provide all the assistance for the attack to connect. Once it does, I'll put all my faith in your hands to finish my job."

Kallen then held Alex's hands with hers.

The boy simply smiled.

"No worries. I'll get the job done." He said confidently.

With that, a bright light once again blinded Alex, going away eventually as the boy was back at the burning village as he now saw Mei who had moved herself over to where Alex and Yae were.

The boy simply stood up, turning to face Hellmaru as he pulled out his sword.

"Now that half pint wants to act all tough huh!? No worries! I'll just quickly scorch you off the face of this world and quickly the two's souls!" Shouted Hellmaru.

Alex gave no response, as he held his sword above his head, beginning to charge up.

Hellmaru did the same as it charged up a fireball.

The two kept charging up, eventually nearing max charge as Alex aimed the sword Hellmaru's head.

Obviously, Hellmaru would win this standoff under normal circumstances, however, Alex knew how things would play out.

Once he had reached max charge, the boy smirked and gave out the signal.

"Kallen now!"

The golden pendant in Yae's hands began to glow, as suddenly bursting out from the ground, numerous golden chains appeared as they wrapped around Hellmaru, pinning the fox extremely tight to the ground, immediately stopping its fireball attack.

"W-What!? No! Damn you Kaslana!" Shouted the fox, as Alex shot out a massive fire blast out from his sword, as it hit Hellmaru's head, and more importantly, hitting the symbol above its eyes.

It was right on target, as the beast roared in agony, before becoming limp and motionless, as from the symbol, a dark, and ominous purple colored rift appeared from where the symbol was.

Alex took a moment to compose himself, before proceeding to address the two girls behind him.

"Mei. Yae. Don't follow me into the rift. I'm gonna finish things, here and now." Said the boy.

"A-Are you sure Alex? Who knows what lies beyond that rift. It, may be too much for you." Said Mei.

Alex kept quiet for a bit, before turning to face the two, more specifically looking at Yae.

"I made a promise to your sister. I promised Rin, that I'd end your cycle of hatred. Just now, I promised Kallen, that I'd finish the job that she started." He said, as he grabbed the golden pendant and put it on his neck.

"I will, keep both of those promises. Now, please don't follow and wait for me here. For once, I promise that I will come back alive." He said.

With that, the two girls nodded, as Alex turned back around, before beginning walk towards the rift.

Once he stood right in front of it, he paused for a moment.

He looked back at the girls who smiled at him as he gave a thumbs back in response, and then looked at the pendant around his neck.

'I hope you have my back, Kallen.' He said.

Now, the boy was ready as he stepped foward and entered the rift.

His vision went away for a bit, before eventually coming back as the boy was in a large dojo like room, with a wooden floor and four torches in all four corners of the room.

Alex walked around for a bit, examining the room before he felt tremors beneath him.

He looked down and saw a purple mist trailed past him.

The boy smiled, now knowing that the final enemy had arrived.

"Finally. About time you show up." Said Alex, as he turned to face its true form.

" Said Alex, as he turned to face its true form

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"Herrscher of Corruption."

Chapter 8: Complete

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