Part 15:- (Dirty games)

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At Morning

Manik dropped Nandini to her apartment and went away. As soon as Nandini entered her apartment Navya grabbed her arms and dragged her to the living room.

Nandini:- What the hell Navya? Why are dragging me like that?

Navya:- Watch this news.

Navya increased tv volume and they saw Rahul's accident news.

News Reporter:- Last night the famous bollywood actor Rahul Roy died in an accident. According to the sources his car brakes failed that's why he lost control over his car and this terrible accident happened. But the most shocking news is his girlfriend, the famous bollywood actress Aliya Saxena, has been missing since last night and her phone is also switched off. Her parents filed a missing complaint in a nearby police station. Is it just an accident or a pre planned murder? Police is investigating this case. Hopefully soon we will get to know. Till then be with us and keep watching our news channel.

Nandini:- What's the name of this journalist?

Navya:- Mukti Vardhan.

Nandini:- She is adding spice in this simple news for more publicity. I have to do something.

Navya:- Don't even think of doing something. She is your brother's girlfriend.

Nandini:- (shouted angrily) Seriously? When my brother fall in love with a journalist? And what were you doing idiot? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him? Why didn't you inform me before?

Navya:- I got to know that few days ago. They are dating secretly.

Nandini:- Damn it. I hope Bhai won't spilled out everything to her.

Navya:- Now what?

Nandini:- There is no proof against us so just chill, okay?

Navya:- Okay, I am leaving now.

Nandini:- Navya wait a minute.

Nandini brought a bundle of notes from her locker and gave them to her.

Nandini:- Give it to your boyfriend and tell him that I am very impressed with his work.

Navya:- (smiled) Sure.

When Navya was about to go Nandini said,

Nandini:- Navya, I might sound so rude sometimes but you are a true friend of mine. I appreciate your efforts to save me from everything. Thank you.

Navya:- Well you pay me enough for that still you are most welcome.

At Evening

Nandini was writing a movie script when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and saw two police officers standing at her doorstep. Nandini hind her nervousness and said,

Nandini:- Yes, how may I help you?

Police:- Ms. Murthy I hope you have already heard the news of Rahul Roy's accident and his girlfriend Aliya Saxena is also missing. We need to ask you a few questions regarding this case.

Nandini:- Okay, come in.

Nandini guided them towards the living room and said,

Nandini:- Please be seated. Would you like to have tea or coffee.

Officer 1:- No, thanks.

Nandini:- (sadly) Aliya is a very close friend of mine. In fact she was the main female lead in my last movie. As far as I know she never goes anywhere without informing anyone.

Officer 2:- Her phone is also switched off. Do you have any idea where she can go?

Nandini:- I don't know.

Officer 1:- Do you have doubt on anyone?

Nandini:- Yes. I have doubt on Rahul, her boyfriend.

Officer 2:- But he died last night.

Nandini:- I know but he used to fight with her all the time. You must have heard about my miscarriage. That day also they were fighting and when I tried to stop them Rahul accidentally pushed me and I fall down. In fact yesterday they had a fight and Rahul called me twice to know if she came to attend my engagement party or not.

Officer 1:- Did she come?

Nandini:- I expected her to come to my engagement party but she didn't come.

Officer 2:- What did Rahul said to you?

Nandini:- He said if Aliya comes to the party then I should inform him. Then I asked him what happened between them? He said they had a fight and Aliya went away. She wasn't picking up his calls. I thought it's nothing new. They often fight with each other and it was my engagement so I let it go.

Officer 1:- Are you sure she didn't come to the party? Maybe she came but you didn't see her.

Nandini:- I didn't see her in the party and if she would come to the party then she would meet me for once. Why don't you check the cc tv footage?

Officer 2:- There isn't any footage of the party. Cc camera had some problems, that's why it wasn't working. Do you know anything about it?

Nandini:- No. It was Manik's place so he can tell you about it.

Officer 1:- Strange. All cameras had problems together. Anyways if she calls you please inform us.

Nandini:- Sure.

Officer 2:- If we need any information we will bother you again.

Nandini:- No problem.

They left the house. Nandini locked the door and took a deep breath. It's not easy to lie with full confidence and she should get an award for that.

Few days later

Nandini and Navya just came back from shopping and sat on the couch when Navya switched on the tv. She was changing the channels continuously when Nandini said,

Nandini:- Stop stop.

News Reporter:- Breaking news Aliya Saxena's car is found in xyz cafe. Cc tv footage confirmed that her boyfriend Rahul Roy was there that night and after that Aliya Saxena got missing and Rahul Roy had an accident near a sea. Police informed us that night they had a fight. They might meet at that cafe and after that Rahul killed her and threw her dead body into the sea. Though it's not confirm until they find her dead body. They are still investigating the case.

Navya was stunned by her planning. She clapped for her and said,

Navya:- Wow Nandini, you are such a genius. You told your men to keep Aliya's car exactly where you call Rahul to meet you. Then your men failed his car's break and he had an accident near the sea where Abhi's men threw Aliya's dead body. Now even if they find her dead body nobody can blame you.

Nandini:- (smirked) Well nobody can play games better than me and you should have known that by now.

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Well sometimes I can give an early update, isn't it???🙈🙈🙈
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