Part 17:- (Love is selfish)

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Few weeks later
At Nandini's apartment

After coming back from honeymoon Manik signed a new movie and went to Dubai for shooting. Nandini wanted a break from her professional life and enjoyed this new phase of life so she stayed home. She was sitting on the balcony and writing a story when she got a call from an unknown number. She received the call and said,

Nandini:- Hello.

Caller:- Hello, am I talking to Mrs. Nandini Malhotra?

Nandini:- Yes, may I know who you are?

Caller:- I am Mukti, Mukti Verdant.

Though Nandini knew her as she told Navya to get her information a few weeks back still she pretended as if she didn't know her.

Nandini:- Sorry, do I know you?

Mukti:- We never met before but I have something important to tell you.

Nandini:- Okay, go ahead.

Mukti:- I know that you killed Aliya. Rahul wasn't that fool you thought to be. He recorded your last conversation on his phone and right now I have his phone.

Nandini:- (laughing) Good joke Ms. Verdant.

Mukti:- I am not joking at all. You want proof right? Check your WhatsApp.

Nandini cut the call and immediately opened WhatsApp. Mukti sent a voice message and it was actually their last conversation. Nandini called her and said,

Nandini:- What do you want?

Mukti:- Only five crores.

Nandini:- (shouted angrily) Are you mad?

Mukti:- (laughing) of course not. Aliya's missing news gave you audience sympathy and your last movie was a super duper hit. You earned crores and Aliya's parents refused to take any money. Now stop being a hangdog otherwise I will handover this phone to the police.

Nandini:- It's a big amount so I need some time to arrange the money.

Mukti:- Okay, call me when you arrange the money and yes don't try to act smart.

Mukti cut the call. Nandini should be so worried but she was all calm and composed. She went to the library and started searching for a book. She loved to read deactivate and suspense thriller stories. That's why she couldn't kill Aliya and Rahul without leaving any proof. But who knew that asshole would be this smart?

At Evening

Nandini was still engaged in reading books when Navya came there and saw the whole library was totally messed up.

Navya:- Has any earthquake happened in this room?

Nandini:- I don't know about any earthquake but I have news for you and I am sure when you will hear it, you are going to faint.

Navya could sense the seriousness in her voice. So she asked,

Navya:- What news?

Nandini:- Mukti called me this morning. She has Rahul's phone in which our conversation was recorded and she is blackmailing me now.

Navya:- (shocked) What? How much does she want?

Nandini:- Only five crores.

Navya:- That's a huge amount.

Nandini:- I know. Five crores is nothing for me but what's the guarantee that she will delete those recordings and will never blackmail me again?

Navya:- You are right. Now what are we going to do?

Nandini:- Curiosity kills the cat.

Navya:- Now what's the connection between this probab and her?

Nandini:- Just wait and watch. For now we have to go shopping.

Navya:- You want to go shopping in this situation? Are you crazy?

Nandini:- Keep your mouth shut and come with me.

On the way to the shopping mall Nandini discussed her plans with Navya. They bought a diamond pendant using Navya's credit card. Then Nandini gave it to Navya and said,

Nandini:- I want my work to be done by tomorrow. Got it?

Navya:- Don't worry, your work will be done.

Next day

Nandini went to Abhi's house. When she rang the doorbell he opened the door and said,

Abhi:- Nandini, what a present surprise?

Nandini entered the house and said,

Nandini:- I won't talk to you.

Abhi:- But why? What have I done?

Nandini:- (sadly) You are dating someone and you didn't bother to tell me. I had to know this from someone else. If I would be your own sibling then you wouldn't have done that. You don't consider me as your sister at all.

Abhi:- Nandu, please try to understand. I wanted to tell you before but she wanted to keep our relationship a secret for now. So I couldn't tell you. By the way, who told you?

Nandini:- Navya told me. She saw you both at Juhu beach yesterday. But I am still mad at you.

Abhi held both his ears and sat on his knees.

Abhi:- Okay, I am sorry. Now what can I do to mend it up?

Nandini pulled out a jewelry box from her handbag and gave it to him.

Nandini:- You can give this beautiful pendant to my beautiful sister in law on behalf of me.

Abhi immediately stood up and said,

Abhi:- But Nandu, it must be very expressive. I can't take it.

Abhi was going to return it but Nandini held his hand and said,

Nandini:- Anna, remember you sold your house and gave me all the money to produce my first movie? This gift is not as expensive as my brother's golden heart. Whatever you did for me, I can never repay you. Please don't refuse my gift.

Abhi:- Okay, as you say. Now happy?

Nandini:- (smiled) Yes. But you can't tell her that I gifted this to her. When she wants to keep your relationship as a secret then our relationship should be a secret too. Let's play hide and seek.

Abhi ran his fingers in her hair lovingly and said,

Abhi:- You are still that naughty sister of mine who used to play pranks on me. Okay, I won't tell her but only on a condition.

Nandini:- What condition?

Abhi:- You have to be my same naughty and kiddish sister forever. Never change, my kiddo.

Saying this Abhi hugged her tightly. Nandini felt bad to use her brother who loves her a lot. But she loves Manik more than her life. She has to do this for her, she has to do this for her love.....

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