Chapter 9

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Bale hit the gas and forced the clutch back, wiping his mask and then pulling it off so he could get rid of an itch. One of the dogs came up to his craft which he moved to kick, the animal smart enough to back away, baring its teeth.

"Fuck off."

Another monsieur--Tusk, it looked like--came up to the hovercar, leaning against the frame and heaving a great sigh.

"There's barely anything here. Quince fucked us."

Beyond: smoke. The wheat had been taken and the wood broken down. The entire place would be gone in the morning, covered by sand and pity.

"We have them," Bale said, nodding towards the farm. "Should last us a while."

"Not good enough."

"Never is."

Tusk nodded, his black gaze wandering back to the city.

"You feel it too, don't you?" he said.


"We have to get rid of Quince. Probably Yorn, too. They're holding us back. If the army ever decides to come back..."

"That's what we want, isn't it?" Bale asked.

Tusk stared at him, then said, "I guess."

Bale clicked the ignition, the car slowly moving up, forcing Tusk back.

"Tell Quince he's a fuck up. Maybe he'll listen to you."

He nearly clipped the dog, the mutt sauntering in front of the car, just barely managing to avoid quick-death which was all the beast deserved in Bale's eyes.

The ride back was uneventful. Bale's mind didn't wander. All he could think of was blood, to keep moving no matter what.

He sped through the city limits without any hassle. He made sure to scan the rooftops in case of any opportunists, but it was too late in the day and for the most part the monsieurs owned this side of the city. He was just about to park to take a piss when he spotted a body.

It was lying in the street, perfectly centered. Bale took out his submachine gun and unhooked the door, climbing out and then slowly approaching.

From a wedge between two apartment complexes appeared a rat, its feet slightly tapping against metal, sniffing the air then running away. Three more rats appeared, confused as they fell into one another and came to the same conclusion as the first rat had: that nothing was worth those twin dead eyes and that tank full of life's essence.

Bale's chains clinked as he went to one knee and touched the body, pushing it over. She was young, pale, her eyes open wide though she did not move.

Bale got up. From the distance, something incredible moved, each step shaking the city to its foundations. A low, guttural groan erupted. He couldn't see what it was for the city and its black towers blotted out everything save for the sky. Then the steps fell away, the monster which hounded him disappearing, falling to the wayside.

Bale turned.

Corin shot the monsieur before he could make another move. The smoke from his emitter hissed as the monsieur sunk and twitched a little, then: sweet release. Carin almost envied the poor bastard.

Veronica and the others came out, pointing down their own weapons as they did a sweep. Veronica squealed in delight, coming over to the hovercar and hopping into the driver's seat, Fred and Fred Jr. coming up alongside her, still wary of the night.

"Check him."

Corin went over and observed the body, hooking his fingers through the strange material the vultures wore and, on finding little, turned around and shrugged.

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