Chapter 15

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Two men in hazmat suits marched past them, carrying between them a steel box.

Hank grunted. "That's not good."

"Should we be wearing that shit?" Jonah asked, motioning at the suits.

"I'm not afraid," Charles replied. "You?"

Jonah remained rigid. Eventually, Ellie walked past them into the apartment.

The room was dark, illuminated by a few shaded lights. There was blood on the wall. Someone had scribbled red Xs on certain parts of the room, one large X covering the back door.

Charles nodded. "Let's see what we're dealing with."

He went and opened it. A white mesh screen covered the infection. Charles hesitated, coughing into his hand as he went over and lifted the screen.

"Oh Jesus."

It seemed larger than it had been in the picture. Much larger. Parts of its body began to writhe, then the whole thing went still, as if Ellie and her companions had just happened upon the thing trying to hide something.

Charles grasped his emitter. "Alright."

They made room for Hank.

Charles' watch lit up.

"Are you there?" the chief's voice said.

"We are. We're looking at it. Chief, it's..."

"I know. You've been given the green light. Burn it."

Hank unhitched his torch and aimed, fire erupting out of the nozzle. A horrid smell overcame them, Ellie and the others forced back. Hank kept on only because he was the one holding the trigger.

When it was over, Ellie approached the hive.

Burnt black: nothing but char. Ellie lifted her leg to poke it with her shoe, then realized she probably shouldn't touch the shit even if it was dead.

Jonah clasped his mouth and nose. "It's done."

"Just like that," Charles said with a grin. "Guess I am paranoid."

"I still don't like how that Frank guy looked."

They all turned to Ellie.

"What are you talking about?" asked Charles.

"He looked like he was ready to die."

"Motherfucker was angry: that's it."

Ellie placed her hands on her hips, the infestation bubbling below.

"I don't know."

She noticed Charles and Jonah glance at one another.

"We can talk about it later," Charles said. "Let's keep the party going. You guys still hungry?"

Hank cracked a big smile, Jonah looking just as pleased. Ellie took out her pistol and checked the cartridge.

"Ready and willing."

Charles clicked his teeth. "Alright then."

They passed the same suits returning to the apartment. They hovered at the entrance, staring at Ellie and her troupe as they climbed into the elevator and Charles hit the switch.

"Maybe they didn't know we were coming," Hank mumbled.

Charles stared at him, but said nothing.

The sky might have been dead and there were no stars but the upper-city was all alive that night. Pulsating music rumbled endlessly across tower after tower, their rigid husks complementing the spires that swung up and towards heaven, never touching the clouds but seemingly close. Red light, as was custom, though this was more purposeful than the lights below, more controlled, the light coming from shops and churches and clubs all of which could be found here. There were few streets; it had taken Ellie a while to get used to it. She could see even now where they'd paved over the station with more chrome.

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