Chapter 22

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Kathy held Chase's hand until he broke off down the street. She knew why, for to their right were the bodies.

She found him leaning on a streetlight. The light itself glowed brilliantly with the slight rain now coming in. There was beauty here, compounded by the misery waiting just on the edges.

"I don't know what I'm going to do."

She shivered, crossing her arms. She could see her breath.

"Chase, I..."

"What? Are you going to fucking leave me, like she did? No. No, I don't trust any of these people. They're fucking with us."

"Chase, you're tired. I'll go with you. Whatever you decide to do. I'm...I'm in the same spot you're in. Especially now that Marin is gone."

He chuckled, running his hand through his hair. "You liked him, didn't you?"

"I can't believe you'd ask me that." She sighed sharply. "You're scared. I get it--"

Chase came up and shoved a finger in her face. "Fuck you."


He began to walk away.

Kathy thought she heard something moving, off to the side.

"Don't leave me."

The sky grew dark and the rain continued to fall gently.

Kathy tucked in her shirt and began to walk fast to catch up to Chase. Chase, passing beneath those streetlights, faded out of view as the fog came in.


She began to run. She was sure she was being followed. Footsteps, echoing in these great halls, chasms of black metal surrounding her, choking her, making her sick and disoriented.


He was gone.

More movement, more whispers. The lights were strange. They didn't seem of this place, created in a reality different from the one Kathy knew.


His name echoed through the corridor. Kathy took one step, then another, nearly shouting as she narrowly missed stepping on the tail of a rat.

She became addicted to the forward-motion. She stopped saying Chase's name, rubbing her arms, so cold, pushing herself towards the edge.


Strong arms grabbed her. Kathy screamed, then her mouth was gripped shut. She tried to bite but she was so scared she could only watch as she was forced into the open air.

A white city, a white street. The lights burned.

They were large men, each wearing what looked to be the pelt of animals, blood trickling down their bodies.

Chase was there, captured by the same men.

There was a woman. She was fit, and she glared at Kathy as if she was the chief enemy.

One of them grabbed Kathy and forced her to look deep into eyes slowly fading, the white consuming.

"Where are you going, lost sheep?"

Chase shuddered, crumpling up into a ball. His hands were bloodied.

"Please," Kathy begged. "Please, I..."

"What are we going to do with you people?" The sheep-woman sighed. "We were strong once, with strong morals. Now, they are drained in the cistern--wet, and dead."

Molly - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now