Chapter 32

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He had worked in these mines for most of his life. They'd snuck him in when he could just barely walk so that they could give some of the other workers a break. It didn't require much know-how: just make sure not to clip your toes on the gears. Sometimes military would come down and give them clothing, but everything was sparse now.

"Hey Mack."

Jeremy clapped his back. "Another day in paradise, huh?"

Above a thousand, thousand wires and levers, a mess of tech pouring up and out onto the station. Soon they'd require more room; even Mack, simple like a pebble, could see that they were elbow to elbow down there.

Grandpa Joe sat in the gloom. The turn of the gears produced scattered sunlight across his face, a slow churning always surrounding them.

"Not tonight."

Disgust bubbled up inside Mack.

"We can't keep waiting," he said. "You've heard the same stories I have."

"I know. That's why you gotta trust me."

Mack wiped his lips.

"I don't trust anyone, old man."

Grandpa Joe grinned wide, then stared into the middle-distance, his world little more than a box.

Not wanting to be late, Mack began to climb through the nearest chute, trying to avoid the wires. Impossible to get through an entire day without getting cut; Mack figured he was lucky he hadn't been electrocuted yet.

A door opened, and Mack climbed through, landing on his feet and exhaling.

Umbra was there waiting for him.

"What'd he say?"

"No dice," Mack said, "He doesn't want to, even though..."

He sighed sharply.


"Tell me," she said, touching his arm.

Mack would do anything for her. Mack would kill for her.

"I think we're running out of time. Know what I mean?"

He could tell she didn't.

"People are hurting. We can see that just looking out the window. We're hurting. I don't think we can wait around any longer. This job is all I have, but you know I'd throw it away just to make sure you come out all right. Do you get--"

"I get it."

She wrapped her arms around his, and kissed him.

"That's good." Mack sighed. "So, what should I do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I's not like grandpa is president. We can just go."

"I'm not leaving without as many of the others as humanly possible," Umbra said. "You know that's important to me."

"I know, but you gotta understand Umbra, I..."

Mack sighed. "I just don't think I have enough juice left."

"What does that mean?" Umbra said, smiling at him.

"We need to go soon--I think it's important. We're barely meeting quotas, and--"

Umbra touched his face. "Okay. Okay. I'll follow your lead."

He was so lucky to have her. Without Umbra, the world would cease to really matter; Mack was sure of it.


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