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Trigger warning
Chapter Ten: Trauma Response.

Luna had just gotten done with her day, which consisted of one Eddie Diaz and her doing some sparring

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Luna had just gotten done with her day, which consisted of one Eddie Diaz and her doing some sparring. And by sparring she means pointless wrestling and tons of making out, yes sparring.

They had gone for a jog in the park and flirted the entire time. Life was good, everything was great.  She was madly in love with the guy she was dating and nothing could break down her spirit at least nothing yet.

She was currently at Athena's house for her usual brunch and chit chat.  Harry and Denny were arguing over a video game console. Hen and Karen were talking about their IVF treatments and the process they would have to go through.

"Kids!" Athena yells and the boys halt there arguing, the room is silent, just the sound of Athena sipping her Tea and Luna drying her hands.

"You need to teach us how to do that." Hen replies as all the women laugh.  "What if Denny doesn't like having a sibling?"

" What's not to like? Kids are better with siblings. It makes them better people." Karen says as Luna takes her seat at the table. 

" Wait a minute.  Both Athena and I are only children, and we turned out just fine."

" Yes, you are both wonderful adults, but I just--I don't know who I'd be without my brothers. They made me kinder, more understanding, more willing to share."

Luna nods."Did you know that a study in Korea showed that kids were more likely to learn compassion, leadership, and kindness quicker when having a sibling than without." Luna sips her tea before everyone just looks at her. "I mean it's a study, it's probably not true."

"Yeah, well, our little one is struggling with the concept of "sharing is caring." What if they're at each other's throats all the time?"

"Oh, they will be. Mm-hmm, May, she loved having a baby brother, right up till that part where he started walking and talking and getting into all her stuff." Athena explains as everyone chuckles.

Luna nods before sipping her tea. "My sister Maya would get so mad when I wore her clothes, My brother on the other hand, he didn't want me to leave the house without a turtleneck on.'' Everyone chuckles at what she says.

"Oh, I'm not sure we considered that part. Our family's not just growing; it's changing."

"It'll be an adjustment, but you two will do just fine. Denny'll love having a brother eventually." Athena explains as everyone laughs.


Luna couldn't believe she was being called into her captain's office. Of course when she walks inside, there's a Detective standing there, his hair is nicely done, he has the world's worst aftershave and the bags under his eyes. Make him look older than he truly was.

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