I sit in my room,
With my door locked.
Lost In my thoughts,
Intrigued by the beautiful
Lyrics in a song.
Placing myself in their sad,
Lonely story of life
As they see it.
While I dwell in every fear
That has slipped my mind.
Reliving the bad memories
Of the past,
The guilt,
Irrational fears of disapproval.
Mentally fighting a war
Between me and
My insecurities.
Every night is another battle,
Every second is
Another soldier ripped apart.
But I feel a light in me,
Glowing with victory
And happiness.
That light shall be mine
For me to show to
The whole world.
I will win,
Forever proud!

Sleep My Love: Poetry
PoetryA collection of poetry by yours truly. I also write my poems into song form and if you like them, ill write more.