Chapter 1

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I fucking hate life right now. I swear I haven't had good sleep in like what?? YEARS?! Ok Y/n. No need to be dramatic Jesus. Just then my alarm went off making me groan in annoyance.

I slam my alarm clock successfully shutting off the ear splitting noise that I dread every morning to hear. I stretched my arms up hearing a satisfying pop before letting them down once more.

"Time to start the day. Yay fun." I sarcastically say to myself as I remove myself from my comforting blankets. I grabbed a simple outfit not really caring at the moment about what I'm wearing.

I jump as I hear my phone go off and groan already knowing who it is. I get dressed quickly picking up my phone and answering it.

"What's up My chemical romance Monkey?"

"Wow it's only 5am and you've already managed to piss me off. That's a new record kid." Macaque's voice said unamused

"Well as your apprentice that's my job." I smirk knowing that I'm ticking him off

"Yeah well, as your mentor, it's my job to punish you if your not here in the next 5 minutes." He countered then hung up making me freak out.

Immediately I bolted to the kitchen popping some toast in the toaster. I waited anxiously and as soon as the toast popped up I grabbed it and ran out the door quickly locking it.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT-" I continued to shout profanities as I run past confused and startled bystanders. I check my phone to see I had exactly 1 minute left.

"MACAQUE'S GONNA KILL ME-" I feel myself slam into another person making me fall onto the ground with a groan.

"Watch where you're going!! You could have messed up my perfectly good analysis!!" A smug voice said

I look up to see some spider looking dude with bright green hair and eyes, pale purple skin, a black suit, a small mustache, and uh...spider legs on his back.

I roll my eyes deciding to not even waste my time on this dude. I wipe the dust of my pants and walk past him.

"Um hello?! Are you going to acknowledge me?!" He said offended. Again I didn't speak to him making him growl in frustration. I smirk thinking that maybe pushing his buttons wouldn't be too bad.

"Oh I'm sooo sorry!! The brightness of your hideous hair distracted me!! You should really cover that up before someone becomes blind." I say with a shrug

"EXCUSE ME?!" He gasped

"You are excused." I then turn around and began walking away once more with a confident smirk. But then I felt something stick to my leg. I look down to see that webs? Gross.

"I'll have you know my hair is in top tier condition!!" He said completely outraged as he walked in front of me with his hands on his hips.

"Really? Huh guess your own hair has already affected you and your blind Hm. Makes since you're a spider after all." I say nonchalantly

"YOU ARE AN INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN!!" He said pointing his finger at me. Seeing this, I bite his finger making him scream and pull back. Quickly taking my chance I tripped him with my free leg and fell over in surprise. His head slammed on the concrete and I heard him groan. I take my knife from my leg holster and cut the webs off easily.

I squat down next to the still groaning spider with a unamused face.

"Wow. So disappointing. I thought you'd actually be a challenge. Oh well. Bye bye~" I smirk getting up and once again causally walking away.

"THIS-THIS ISNT OVER!!" I hear him yell out making me proud of myself

"Ah, the luxury of winning." I say to myself putting my hands behind my back before pausing. Why was I running again....?

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now