Chapter 17: Charles

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Maggie's POV

I woke up the next morning reaching for Harry but he wasn't in my bed anymore. I rubbed my eyes and sat up looking around my room, his phone was charging on my bedside table, and I felt relieved, knowing he was still here.

I got up and walked out of my room, spotting him in the kitchen. Whatever he was making smelled delicious and I couldn't help but laugh at his hair. He had gotten one of my sparkly headbands, and used it to push his hair out of his face.

I walked over and slipped my hands around his waist, kissing his back softly, "Morning."

"Morning. Did I wake you?"

"No, I woke up on my own. What are you making? It smells good."

"Well, I just snooped around your fridge, so, potatoes, soyrizo, and some sunny side eggs." he placed his hand over mine.

"That sounds delicious. Want some coffee?"

"Mhm, please."

I reluctantly let go of him and walked over to start making our coffees. I glanced over at him, and laughed softly. If anybody would have told me a month ago that the guy from One Direction would be cooking for me shirtless in my kitchen, I would have laughed in their face.

"What are you snickering about over there?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow at me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well first off, it's the fact that you, Harry Styles, are currently cooking me breakfast shirtless. This is literally what fanfics are made of. And secondly, the eyebrow, it's rubbing off on you too."

He lowered his eyebrow, and laughed, "It is, isn't it? You're like an infectious disease with that eyebrow you know?"

"Wow Harry, so romantic." I chuckled.

He laughed and finished our breakfast serving it as I brought our coffees to the breakfast nook. He joined me soon, placing my plate in front of me. I took a potato and popped it in my mouth, "Mm, that's good."

"Thank you, you have so many seasonings, I had fun putting it together."

"I know, it's an addiction, anytime I see a new one I have to get it."

He nodded at me as he took a bite of his food, "So, do you have plans for tonight? Would you like to get dinner?"

"Normally I prepare for the week, but I guess I could make an exception. I'll just get everything ready earlier."

"So then it's not really an exception?" he chuckled softly.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Oh hush." I laughed while drinking some of my coffee.

"I have a meeting with Jeff during the day, so you may have to meet me there if I can't pick you up on time."

"That's okay. Do you know where?"

"Um, what's your favorite place?" He smiled at me, drinking his coffee.

"Umm, actually, I've been craving Jon & Vinny's. It's been a while, the one on Fairfax."

"That sounds good." He nodded, "Let's say....six?"

"You got yourself a date Mr. Styles."

He smiled softly, "I like the sound of that."

We finished breakfast and cleaned up together, fighting over who was going to wash the dishes. I won. I sat on my bed while he got dressed, starting to write in my planner to prepare for the week. Harry's pen still my writing tool of choice. I was going to be back on the floor on Thursday, and I felt nervous. I felt my brows furrow together, chewing on my lip as I thought about it.

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