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ricky let out a deep breath as he inhaled the scent of the coffee shop

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ricky let out a deep breath as he inhaled the scent of the coffee shop. he dropped down into the nearest seat he could see, waiting for his best friend to join him. whenever gina or ricky had a problem, they would always meet at the same coffee shop to talk and let out some steam. being able to tell each other just about anything truly solidified their bond; gina was the best person ricky knew, and he had no idea what he would do without her. he knew that no matter what storm he was facing or how hard it was coming down, gina would always be there to face the downpour with him.

his fingers anxiously patted at the table, needing to find some way to distract himself from his lethal thoughts. ashley had been acting strange lately, consistently cancelling plans and rearranging; and when rearranged they'd only see each other for a few hours. to say he was worried would be an understatement. this was his first ever real relationship, and he'd be damned if he let himself fuck it up. he wasn't even sure if he truly loved ashley. he liked her, he knew that; but love? he wasn't sure he 100% knew what love was, his one true memory of the feeling making his jaw clench and fingernails angrily scratch into his palm. thinking about love never did him any good.

he was jolted from his thoughts by gina hastily sitting herself down in front of him. she had a thoughtful expression on her face, lips slightly pulled down into a frown. he knew she worried about him, especially during abrupt sos coffee meetings like this. he smiled softly at her, attempting to ease her mind.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐘 [rini au]Where stories live. Discover now