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"nini? hey nini it's uh it's me. you know, ricky. or should i say nina? i see your friends still call you nini though. it's cute. i like that, i like that i gave you that. never stop going by nini okay nina? it's special i think. anyway — you're probably wondering why the fuck i'm calling you at three am after two goddamn years without even seeing your face. and honestly, i cant even answer that. don't tell anyone but i might be a little bit drunk. shhhhhhh i said don't tell anyone!

i guess i just miss feeling something nina. can i call you nini? i'm going to call you nini. i feel like i should have trade - uh what's the word? trademarked! yeah i should have trademarked that name. it's mine, it belongs to meeeeeee.

do you ever miss it nini? evermore? that's such a stupid question to ask you considering how amazing you're doing right now. i watched some of that dragon show and you were so good. so emotive. but i guess you always were. you always did act circles around me, keeping up with you was hard. maybe that's why i teased you so much, i needed you to slip up for me to win.

god i miss it. i might even miss you a little bit sometimes. god i don't know i'm fucking hammered and my girlfriend just cheated on me and you're still all i can think about. fuck! it's like you consume me sometimes nini, you used to pissed me off so bad but god, you made me FEEL. i don't think i've really felt anything in a long time.

but whatever. i'm going to go to sleep and pray that you did change your number. i probably won't remember this in the morning so if i never hear from you again; just know i think of you. sometimes. you're not easy to forget.

bye nini."

nini stared blankly at her phone, trying to process what she'd just heard. it was the first time she'd really heard his voice in two years; she avoided any movies, interviews or podcasts he was apart of. she wanted to keep the evermore part of her life locked away in a little box, never to be touched again. and without warning her little box had been shattered, her emotions and memories spilling out around her without her knowing how to handle them.

she didn't understand why he'd call her. they never shared many heart to hearts on the set of evermore and she couldn't recall a time she ever gave him much comfort. her mind was spiralling and waves of nausea were taking over, but she couldn't stop listening to the voicemail. over and over and over again.

she didn't want to think back to a time where she was hopeful for them, but her mind drifted anyway.


nina tightened the hair tie holding her hair up and waited around for ricky to arrive from hair and makeup. she couldn't deny the anxious feelings building up inside her, it was her first scene with him and she wasn't sure how well they would bounce off each other. and from what gina had told her, he was a damn good actor.

she heard footsteps approaching her and jumped up quickly, straightening her spine as her scene partner approached. she admired his soft curls and gentle smile; something about him was endearing, she couldn't wait to get to know more.

ricky flashed his teeth and gave a cheeky wink, making her giggle. "how charming," nina laughed as he made his way towards her.

"what can i say? i'm irresistible," ricky gently poked her in the side, causing her to jump and squirm whilst giggling profusely. "i've been looking forward to finally filming a scene with you nina. i feel like i've gotten to work with everyone else."

nina felt colour rush to her cheeks at his comment, grinning up at him. "me too. i've heard great things from gina about you," the redness in her cheeks spread further when she reflected on her comment, maybe that was too much.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐘 [rini au]Where stories live. Discover now