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ricky rubbed his hands together nervously as he sat in front of a few members of his team. the whole cast of evermore were about to embark on their first press tour together, the first episode of the show debuting in a few weeks time. he'd been specifically called in for a meeting by his publicist before he was to go find the rest of the cast and prepare for interviews. having absolutely no idea what the meeting could possibly be about, he found his mind wandering to unsettling scenarios.

"hey ricky! thanks for doing this on such short notice," his publicist (ben) greeted him, flashing a pearly white grin. ricky gave back a closed mouth smile, not sure why he was being thanked for a meeting he knew was mandatory. "we have some things to discuss with you," ben must have seen the automatic panic on ricky's face as he let out a breathy chuckle and held up a hand in reassurance, "don't look so frightened, kiddo. it's nothing to worry about i promise! we just got some notes from the studio we need to talk to you about."

ricky nodded his head hesitantly; notes from the studio? what could that mean? was it something about his performance? ben's remark of 'it's nothing to worry about' were the only thoughts ricocheting around ricky's head that gave him any semblance of comfort.

"it's about your public persona, kid." ricky's head snapped up, confused. what public persona? ricky was almost one hundred percent certain he didn't even have one. evermore was his first big gig, this press tour was going to be what introduced him to the public. "the studio thinks it would be best if you were to..." ben trailed off, seeming to carefully select his next few words. "they think if you were to be perpetually single or in various casual dating scenarios, it would garner attention for the show."

jaw dropped slightly, ricky struggled to come to terms with what was being laid out before him. what did his love life have to do with the attention the show would receive? "ben, i'm sorry if i'm acting dense here but i just, i don't understand why?" he ran his fingers through his hair, gently tugging at the curls until they were in a state of disarray.

ben sighed a little, shaking his head. "ricky, look. this is a teen drama show, our target range is teenagers or young girls, and you're an attractive guy. the chances are a lot of people are going to start crushing on you when the shows promotion starts kicking in, and it's going to lead to an increase in viewers," he shrugged his shoulders at the gobsmacked boy in front of him. "that's just how it is with these things."

"but—but- this show is full of so many talented people! won't people want to watch for fucking good acting and storylines? not because they think someone's hot?" ricky felt his forehead getting hot, a bead of sweat trickling down. he didn't want to be known as just being the hot dude from that one teen show. he was proud of evermore, he knew it was a good show, and he knew he did a damn good job in it. he was so proud of his cast mates: gina, who could bring anyone to tears in a matter of seconds with her performances, ej, who could turn any serious moment into a joke in the best way possible, and of course, nini. nini, who completely mesmerised him every time he saw her.

"i'm sorry to tell you this ricky but you're the driving force of the show, you're going to be what gets the attention of the audience the studio wants. you're all great actors. but great acting isn't always how to promote a product."

great acting isn't always how to promote a product. ricky felt his heart drop down to the pit of his stomach at the words. it was the first time he ever truly questioned if the business was for him. he knew the show wasn't the product ben was referring to; he was.

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