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nini tapped away at her phone screen, playing candy crush to pass the time. the cast and production heads of the dragon's flight were meeting to see if the studio was going forward with a renewal; to say she was nervous would be an understatement.

the show had been getting rave reviews, and the ratings were only going up week by week, but she couldn't help the anxieties plaguing her. the dragon's flight truly was the best project she'd ever been apart of, and she'd be frankly crestfallen to lose it.

her leg bobbed up and down repeatedly, causing her foot to tap against the floor. tap, tap, tap. a hand on her shoulder caused her to jump (rather dramatically) into the air, the breath completely taken from her lungs.

"woah neens! didn't mean to scare you," rob laughed, gently using the hand on her shoulder to push her back into her seat.

nini glared at him, shoving his hand off her shoulder. "that was just mean, robby. you know i don't pay attention to my surroundings." she noted the room filling up, almost everyone arriving. her nervous foot tapping resumed.

rob placed his palm on her thigh, stopping the nervous twitch of her leg, he knew all her anxious tells off the back of his hand at this point. "you, my friend, need to calm down. seeing you like this is not good for my blood pressure."

"not good for your blood pressure?" her eyes narrowed and brows raised.

"yes. your stress causes me stress. so nini panini, i need that frown turned upside down," he gently booped her nose with his pointer finger, ignoring her eye roll in response.

nini gently sighed, leaning her head down to rest on rob's shoulder. she was so grateful to have him as her rock within the cast. "you're too sweet to me robby."

"anything for you neens, you know that."

she shook off her nerves and put on a brave face, removing her head from rob's shoulder and smiling up at him. "so, are you ready to be renewed and to spend another six months working with me?" she waggled her eyebrows, shooting finger guns at him.

a blank look took over the boys features. "ugh, i don't even want to think about spending that long with you." a brief quirk of his lips gave away the lie.

"fuck you! i know you love working with me," she poked him in the side before letting her fingers caress and jab into him gently, knowing all his ticklish spots.

"neen! ah! stop it you demon," he replied breathlessly, jerking away from her maniacal hands. his cheeks flushed due to the lack of oxygen, but he couldn't find it in himself to be truly bothered when she looked so happy.

"you know you love me."

"yeah. i do." the longing in his tone was missed by the girl as she laid her head back onto his shoulder.

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