(R) Chapter 4: The Last Link. Preserved In Memory.

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Inside of the 'hidden' chamber, you took a breather. 

Having just fought a fight of that scale took a lot out of you. But, not just physicly.
You where tired sure, but that was thanks to you making a whole lot of unneeded movements. Not to mention the preassure you where under, it wasn't good for your health to say the least.

So, you just sat there in a nearby corner, taking a small rest. But you still kept on guard, just in case they either made their way through the door, or if they found the hole in the roof. 

Your hand resting on Breaknecks trigger, you where ready to act at a moment's notice. 

After that fight, you decided to reevaluate the choices you made before hand. It might be a better idea to stick with this lot. 

Sure, you would have no idea just sneaking out of this joint. 
But, what if you got caught? 

With one arm you could still shoot sure, but if they managed to get past your long range attacks... You'd be screwed.

Not to mention that the map you drew over in the construction area WAS in good condition, but there was no actual date on it.. For all you knew that place was abandoned after one of those strikes, leaving it abandoned and unworked on for... Maybe years!

So safe to say, the map could be outdated...Not to mention that you made the mistake of not making your way up the building completely. 

Then again, back then you had your back against a wall so beggars can't be chosers.

Going with this 'Rescue party' of theirs might be your best bet, and with you are down an arm and with no way to verify if the map you found previously was still correct...
You didn't have much of a choice.

Damnit, i should have memorised that escape route better!
The answer was right in front of my nose and i blew it, *Groan*!

As you where cursing at yourself internaly, almost to the point of banging the back of your head against the wall. You where oblivious of the fact that Amiya walked towards you.

Amiya: ''The others have recovered, we're ready to leave when you are.'' She said.
Snapping out of your own self loathing, you got back up to your feet as you tried to get back into your 'role'.

Y/n: ''*Cough* Right, lead the way.'' 

Making your way to the giant hole in the roof, you tried climbing up some nearby debris to get to the upper floor. But with one hand it posed quite the challenge. 

Even though your body was healed, your stamina was still pretty messed up. The only reason you could even fight in CQC back there was because you where still running on pure adrenaline. Yet here you are, unable to do something as simple as climbing up...

Yato: ''Need a hand?'' The brown haired oni asked, offering your her hand much to your suprise.

Y/n: ''I guess you could say that.'' You told her as you accepted her help, hoisting you up with relative ease.

With you as being the last one to leave the hole, the group pressed on through the many hallways and corridors of the ruined building. The lower area's of this building looking only slightly better then the one's ontop. 

You just followed the group's advance as you began to brainstorm once more, since you still had some unanswered questions. 

You where certain this place wasn't anything you where familiar with, but as for the how you got here you where still left in the dark.

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