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                                                                                   『 ⋆ Iman ⋆』

Have you ever felt all eyes on you when you entered a room? Not because you are so pretty or noticeable. Simply because People like to judge you.

Yeah, me too.

Not having a lot of money  was never a Problem. Maybe because I never felt like missing anything or because I didn't even noticed. But as soon as you grow up , you start to understand that it bothers others more than it bothers yourself. People are quick to judge and being Poor makes you everything society hates the most. It doesn't even matter how poor you are.

The worst thing about being poor is that you can never escape it. Its like a trap , Once you are in it, there is no way out.

But believe me ;its  worse than it sounds ,especially In a town like this ; wealthy, happy and beautiful, everything I am not.

I heard my mother sigh as I poured myself a cup of coffee. "What is it?" I asked , seeing her hold a white letter in her left hand while rubbing her eyes with the other one.

"Nothing Baby, just the bills. I feel like we just paid the last one yesterday." She got up and kissed me cheek. "I love you, you know that right?" I nodded, watching her eyes soften. "I am sorry you couldn't grow up like others, if I could , I would give you the world" She added

It broke my heart to hear her say that because I knew that she felt guilty. She didn't had to, I had a great childhood and I never missed anything besides the school trips I couldn't afford. My mom always told my teachers that I was sick, maybe they should have noticed something suspicious, but they didn't bother to care; one less student was one less Problem.

"I can take a double shift at the cafe , Today is Friday so we will probably get a lot more costumers than usually and I could get more tips" I told her

But she waved her hand in the air and gave me her "not even an option " look.

"Mom it's fine. It will help and you could relax a little.." but she cut me off "Iman, we talked about it,go do something teenagers would do on a Friday night , hang out with friends and stop worrying about things you have to deal with anyways when you grow up. I don't need your help." She demanded

The Truth was, she did need my help. Now more than ever. With my drunk dad , who came barely home and me as an only child she was on her own. She didn't wanted to involve me because maybe then I will see how bad everything actually is. I feel like she still tries to protect me from the truth that we were going downhill.

The other problem is, I didn't have any friends I could do that stuff with. My only friend was Yara and she worked with me in the cafe, besides working I barely saw her .I still preferred to call her a friend than a co worker or something like that.It would only make everything worse.

I sighed , getting angry. I hated when she did that. "I am old enough to take some responsibility in this household! How do you wanna make 1000 $ in one week on your own? Just let me help you and stop being selfish goddamit! I will take the double Shift Tonight and on Monday, period."

With that I grabbed my bag and left the house. I heard my mother call my name after me but I ignored her. Making my way to school I put in my EarPods and played westcoast by Lana del ray.

My School way took me about 20 minutes. I always saw people from my class meeting up with their friends to walk to school together, i never did that. That's why I hated breaks in school the most too, everybody could see that you had no one, and it fucking sucked.

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