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   『 ⋆ Iman ⋆』

Bunch of Motherfuckers!" Yara curses while refilling her glass with wine. „Seriously who do they think they are?"

I look at her, feeling my heart beat against my chest like it has been since I left the Bachers. She had been holding my hand the entire time while she led a monologue, asking me questions which she then answered herself and cursing about every single one of them.

After what happened  I didn't want to go home. There was just so much I still wanted to talk about, so much going on in my mind. I needed to talk to someone and Yara was the first person I thought of.

I knew that she would be asleep, and she was, but since I had keys I was able to get in and wake her up.

„Didn't the others do anything?"She asks, interrupting my thoughts. „Was no one realizing how messed up that dick is?"

I stayed quite and before I could think of an answer she already asked her next question.

„Why didn't you do anything? You should Stand up for yourself, you can't let yourself get disgraced like that!" she says angrily, taking a sip out of her glass.

Why I didn't do anything? Because I was fucking embarrassed. Full of shame that I didn't dare to open my mouth.

I know I am not like that. Usually I would never let anyone talk like that about me. I am confident about myself, most of the time.

But something about these people is just so intimidating, I just can't tell why.

„I don't know." I finally say quietly and she sighs, like a disappointed mother. Then she takes  my face in her hands, wiping away the remaining tears on my face.

„You have to promise me that you will never ever let someone disrespect you like that again." She demands and I nod even though I knew , I couldn't Promise that.

Next time something like this happens I will mostly likely react the same way, maybe I won't even make it out before I bust into tears like this time. 

I was being ridiculous and ashamed that they had so much power over me and that I cared so much about their opinions. I didn't even like Jack and I already knew that he was bad. I had heard how he treated woman. They say his father is even worse so it ain't that surprising, children are mostly just younger versions of their parents.


I take a Deep breath and tug my hair behind my ear. „Can I stay over?"

I had school tomorrow and also promised my mother that I would come home tonight but I could go to school from here and my mother,Well I was 17 years old. I could make my own decision, I assured myself.

After We laid out a mattress in the living room I just fell into bed, exhausted from crying all night. Yara wanted me to sleep with her to make sure I was okay but I assured her I was fine. I knew that she was meaning well but I didn't wanted to be treated like a fragile little girl who could break at any minute.

I knew that , at this time, I was being exactly that and I felt so damn vulnerable, it was embarrassing and I wanted to vomit.I sighed. It was alread 2 am and I had to wake up in 4 hours. I should rest.

Pulling the blanket up to my face I slowly closed my eyes and only now I realized how bad my headache was.

„He left!" She yells , more tears falling down her face. I try to calm her down but now I feel my own heart rate becoming faster.

„Who left mom?" I ask trying to figure out what she means but she just ignores me. Instead she reaches for another plate, about to throw it against the wall but I immediately grab her hand ,stopping her.

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