So things are different tonight (chapter 1)

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How did I end up like this? I was just on my way to a baseball game but here I am, stuck in a bathroom stall with Vance hopper.

He had his hand over my mouth as he pushed me into the very back corner of the stall, a few minutes went by when we heard hard stern foot steps, a loud but low 'hello' was heard, vance looked at me and shook his head.

"This is the police, is anyone in here?" My eyes widened, Vance was hiding from the police and now I'm stuck in here with him, we stood there which felt like years before they left the bathrooms, my heart was the only thing I could hear. Vance finally let his hand slip from my mouth as he went to check if the Coast was clear.

"What was that?" I asked, I was very hesitant but at the same time I was still in shock, he looks back at me his face was filled with annoyance "why did you decide to drag me in here while you were running from the cops" my adrenaline was kicking in, at this point nothing scared me not even yelling at Vance hopper, he fully turned around walking back up to me, he slightly towered over me but i think it was because I was a bit slouched.

"I didn't want no goody two-shoes to tell the cops where I went" I scoffed, I'm not a goody two-shoes, i looked down at my watch and noticed I was 15 minutes late to practice. Vance was blocking the door way of the stall, "ok jerk face move it, I'm late for practice" I said trying to move passed him, he pulled me back by my arm his face had a bit more amusement on it.

"Really, Jerk face is that the only insult you got?" He laughed a bit, I jerked my arm out of his grasp "yeah maybe you're right, some jerks are actually cute just not you" I said smugly, his face dropped quickly "you should see yourself" I smiled more "I actually think I have a sweet looking face so your opinion doesn't matter" I stuck my tongue out at him, he scoffed.

"Oh really should I start calling you sweetface then?" I blushed at the comment, I pushed him away from me grabbing my baseball bag and heading to the exit "call me that again I'm going to punch you" i heard a faint chuckle as I left the public bathrooms, god was vance hopper annoying glad I don't have to deal with him that much.


"Ok guys were doing our December projects, just like every other year I will assign you a partner and topic" December projects the worst projects of every year, Mr young always gave out the most random topics and gave you the most random partner. I zoned out a bit waiting for him to call out everyone's partners.

Angela and Tyler, Charlie and Todd, Bruce and Vance- wait, I looked over at my teacher, everyone else looked over at me, "I'm sorry Mr young I'm with who?" I obviously heard him wrong, surely it was a mistake "Mr yamada you're with Mr hopper" i looked over at vance who seemed shocked as well, once Mr young gave the signal everyone went to there chosen partners, vance walked over to me, turning the chair around so the back end was facing the desk, he leaned over it placing his stuff down next to him.

"You can't even sit in a chair properly how are we gonna get this project done" I put my face in my hands, I heard him laugh "for your information it's more comfortable to sit in a chair like this" I rolled my eyes at him, our teacher went around giving out the topic to each group, when he got to us he handed us a packet with our topic. I grabbed it first looking over the requirements and topic.

"What's our topic sweetface?" I hit the side of his head with the packet, the girl in front of us turned around confusion on her face, My face started to heat up from embarrassment "what did I tell you about calling me that" I handed him the packet, "what the hell? Music, music is our fucking topic" I laughed a bit.

I pulled the packet back over to me flipping through the pages, I glanced at vance who was staring at me, I looked away I could feel my face heating up again "it says we have to bring an instrument" I say, vance looks down at the paper "what now, it wants us to sing a song or some shit" we both laugh, I look threw the items we needed for the project writing them down on a piece of paper.

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