I can run, but I can't hide (chapter 7)

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From my family line.

If you under stand the title with the words above you will understand this chapter gonna be a bit sad


I woke up again but this time Vance was the first to wake, my eyes started to adjust to the light that's when I saw he was standing by the door with a bat, "Vance?" He turned around lowering the bat to his side as he walked over to me, "hey sorry, did I wake you?" I shook my head not knowing exactly how I woke up, I looked at the clock to see it was only 10:37am, I rubbed my eyes so they could adjust a bit more, when I went to yawn it was stopped by yelling, I jumped from the sudden screaming.

"What the hell?" The faint yelling hot closer becoming more loud and more understandable, "I KNOW HES IN HERE" my heart dropped, how the hell did she find his house? I looked over at Vance who held the bat tightly, "why is she In the house?" I whispered to Vance, he didn't break his gaze from the door "my mom was awake and opened it and she just waked" I groaned, standing up from the bed over to the door, Vance stood right behind me as I did so, I unlocked the door slowly barley opening it, there stood my mom it was only her back so she couldn't see me open the door.

She was yelling at Daniela who stood there holding a pan, "Mom..." she turned around quickly, she grabbed my forearm pulling me out of the room, her grasp was tight, "You just thought it was ok to hang up on me? I had to search for this house and I'm expecting you to answer not some random lady" I looked at her confused, "well that random lady lives here, I'm just a guest and by the way you're acting I doubt I'm ever welcome again" I took a deep breath in before I continued.

"You first ask around for there number, then you call over and over again until I woke up to answer it, you then scream at me over the phone so when I tell you to calm down then we can talk, you stalk down there house does this not sound crazy to you?!" I didn't raise my voice, but it was firm and low. She just stood there her eyes were wide, I got my arm out of her grasp backing up next to Vance, he wrapped his hand gently around the red mark left by my mother.

"I'm not crazy Bruce, you are, you first lie to me saying you're at some other kids house but in fact you were hanging out with HIM" she pointed at Vance who was unfazed, "then the neighbors say they say you and him leave our home, Bruce you let him in the house what if he stole something?" Vance laughed a bit causing my mother to get red, "what's so funny boy?" She said looking at him, his mom got closer to us, shielding my mother a bit.

"Yeah that boy has a name, and he's my son and he's never stolen from homes before!" They started to bicker again leaving me and Vance in the doorway of his room, I laid my head on his shoulder closing my eyes, already had a headache and now my arm hurt which it looked like it was gonna leave a bruise.. wait it's gonna leave a bruise, I walked away from Vance gently pushing Daniela over to I could face my mom, "Mom if you don't get out I'll call the cops and say you physically hurt me, and these two will back me up so you either get out and try calling later when you're calm or the police will drag you out" she looked stunned and a bit heartbroken.

"The police won't believe you, there's no marks on you!" I showed her my arm where the red hand print was, already turning a bit purple, "the police have been taking abuse cases more seriously after what happened to my friend Finney and his sister, I can also have them back me up and they will" she shut her mouth I saw tears well up in her eyes, "Bruce......why are you doing this, why are you hanging out this boy" she again gestured to Vance, Daniela spoke up with a soft voice "you haven't told her have you?" I looked over at her and shook my head.

"Well good because she doesn't deserve to know after acting like a stalker bitch" I looked back at my mother who looked a bit offended by the comment, "Bruce what is she talking about?" I walked over to the front door opening it, "I'll tell you when you've calmed down, now please leave" she walked over to me but stood there "Bruce you have to tell me I'm your mother" I groaned holding my head, I was tired of this, I was tired of her I just wanted her to leave.

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