We'll go together in flight (chapter 4)

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I woke up to my alarm going off, I hit it softly getting up slowly, I got dressed for school i decided to wear a black tshirt and some regular blue jeans, I went downstairs to see my sister at the table again, eating her breakfast slowly as she read a book. My mother was in the kitchen cleaning up some pans and plates, I  walked over to the fridge getting out the apple juice, "hi honey, I made some eggs and bacon" I grabbed me a cup bringing it back over to the jug poring me some juice, "I'm not hungry" bringing my cup to my lips I drank it within a few seconds, "I'm off to school" I walked over to my shoes putting them on and grabbing my backpack, I didn't want to deal with her, she was 100% gonna bring up Vance and I didn't want to have that talk with her.

I shut the door behind me, walking down the sidewalk to school. She would have wanted to take me to school and once I was stuck in the car she would harass me more on Vance, I didn't want to take that chance so I'm walking today, I was actually excited to see Vance today, I don't talk to most kids at the school only some kids from baseball. I had some friends in school as well, such as finney blake, and his friends hang out with us as well, but there a couple years younger then me so I guess there not like my age friends but there still nice to hang around. I finally got close to the school I heard some commotion, following the noise I saw a crowd of kids all yelling.

Pushing myself into the crowd that was very smushed I saw a fight, nothing important just another fight, lots of kids fought these days, as I was leaving I saw an oh so familiar vest, oh no- I pushed myself up to the front more to get a better view, there was Vance all bloody and panting, in front of him was another boy, quiet taller then him holding something. My heart dropped when I saw a bloody rock, "is that Vance hopper?" I look over to my side to see Finney and his little sister Gwen.

"Finney? what are you doing, you gotta go before you guys get hurt" I said putting my hand on his shoulder, before anything else was said the boy started yelling "seriously Vance we are all tired of you, just leave before I hurt you more" he just stood there, he furrowed his eyebrows "yeah well I don't give a shit" Vance's small comment made the other boy mad, he ran at him Rock in hand aiming for his head, Vance moved out of the way kicking the other down before attacking him more.

I closed my eyes, the sound of everyone screaming and cheering drowned out the sound of his head hitting the ground over and over again, "learn your place bitch" I opened my eyes to see the guy laying on the ground all bloody, Vance stood up stepping back a bit, he looked around the crowed "anyone else have any shit they wanna say?" The crowd went quiet, he looked around once more finally noticing me, his eyes widened slightly.

Everyone started to walk away the crowd getting a smaller and smaller just leaving me, Vance, Finney, and his sister, plus the dude and some of his friends. I looked over to Vance, I threw my bag on the floor walking up to him, I put my jacket sleeve on his head searching for the wound, "god, did he hit you in the head?" Vance chuckled, "yeah, fucker came out of no where" I sighed, I finally found the wound pressing my sleeve down on it, he hissed at the touch.

"Bruce you're friends with Vance hopper?" I looked over at finney who stood there amazed but also scared, "oh yes I guess I am, um Vance this is my friend Finney and his little sister Gwen" Vance looked over at them and nodded "you guys go onto class, I'm going to take him to the nurse" the younger kids groaned but left to there classes "wow I didn't know you baby sat" he laughed, I rolled my eyes lightly hitting him "ha ha so funny Vance" he laughed more but soon groaned from the pain.

"Come one let's get you to the nurse" I grabbed my bag, putting it over my shoulder, I slid my hand on Vance's waist guiding him to walk, he laid his arm around my shoulder. I could feel him shiver a bit when I put my hand on him, we walked over to the nurses office, Vance showed me a way that no one really went through so we wouldn't get looked at in the hallways. Once we finally made it I sat vance down on one of the chairs, the nurse came out from the back.

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