A night that they never forget (chapter 6)

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Ok before I start the chapter, I wanna thank y'all for the love even if only a few people read it I'm still glad someone likes it❤️
Anyway about the chapter title, I know it sounds a bit inappropriate but I can't assure you there will be NO SMUT in this chapter or book, they are minors and that's gross. I got the title from the song ( a little death by the neighborhood ) the song is a bit inappropriate yes but I have been using the less bad lyrics and sometimes alternate the words like I did in the last chapter, anyway just wanted to tell y'all so you guys didn't freak out thinking there was gonna be smut there isn't

Now enjoy

"So why did you tell this wrong number you wanted to kiss a guy" he finally was looking at me, no anger, no fear, no emotion I could read on his face which made this whole situation worse, my breath hitched a bit, I stood there eyes wide holding myself from the cold and to comfort myself a bit, "wha- what are you talking about?" His expression didn't change "don't play dumb bruce, when I got out of the shower I heard you talking on the phone" I started to breath a bit quicker, was he mad, disgusting, I begged his expression would change to something that was more readable.

"Finney..." he looked confused, "I was- I was talking to Finney, that kid I introduced you to earlier" his face soften a bit, he gave me a sad smile, oh boy was he confusing me, "why didn't you come talk to me?" I gave him a confused look, I started to calm down a bit, so he doesn't...hate me, "you don't...think I'm gross?" His eyes widened, "what no! Why would I think you're gross" I smiled, so he didn't think I was gross he was just interrogating me I'm his own weird way.

"So who's the guy?" He grinned shoving me a bit as he walked passed me, I went to catch up with him "why would I tell you of all people who it is" he held his chest dramatically, "I thought we were friends and you can't even tell me who you're crushing on" I shoved him, "wait I heard the water shut off right as I hung up the phone, how did you hear me a Finney?" He laughed "God your fucking stupid, I take quick showers so when I got out and heard you I went back into the bathroom and let the water keep going till I thought you were done" I smiled even more, "fucker" he laughed.

I wanted to tell him, the scenery was nice, the sun was going down so all the cloud in the sky were a orange pink color, you could see our breaths and there were plenty of trees around. It was something I would 100% wanna be confessed to, but what if he didn't even like boys, what if he would change his mind and think I was gross if I told him it was him I liked....no he tried to kiss me earlier right? Maybe I miss read the situation?

Wait he said no girl in our school was his type, not even the girls who basically worshiped the ground he walked on, maybe that was his way of telling me he liked guys- no Bruce stop it, he doesn't like guys...maybe..... uhh now I'm making my head hurt, "you ok, you've been quiet for a bit?" I looked up at him, I noticed how the area had changed, we were closer to his house now and it was a lot darker then before.

"Mmm oh yeah sorry just lost on thought" he smiled "what about that boy?" I chuckled, looking up at him "yeah actually, I was just wondering if he actually liked guys" Vance smiled at me, "who knows, why don't you call and ask him?" I laughed at him "yeah I'll just do that and be like 'hey dude do you like guys because I think you're kinda cute' that's a death sentence" he chuckled a bit, "why don't you practice on me?" I widened my eyes before I shook my head.

He kept bugging me to practice on him so I finally agreed because first it was cold a shit and second he wouldn't stop bugging me, "okay fine" I took a deep breath in, this was just for practice "do you like guys?" I asked trying not to smile, but I couldn't when he looked at me with a big goofy grin on his face, "why yes I do Bruce and I'm soooo in love with you" I shoved him laughing, "oh shut up you asshole" he laughed.

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