Children born of one emotion (chapter 2)

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I took my shoes off at the door, I looked around the small house, to my right was the entrance to the living room, there was a small couch and rocking chair in there. A small tv sat on a table by the window, to my left was the kitchen a small table with 3 chairs sat around it, a counter full of mail and boxes, if I looked in front of me there was a hallway with a few doors on each side of the walls.

Vance took his shoes off leaving them sprawled out by the front door, I grabbed them and set them nicely on the shoe rack next to mine, "come on we can do it in the kitchen, my rooms a mess" I smiled at him "it can't be to bad right?" He just stared at me, "right?" I laughed, he shook his head "no it's like completely trashed i would not recommend going in there, I actually haven't been in there for a bit because it's so messy" my eyes widened and my mouth opened a bit.

I looked back over in the living room to see a pillow and blanket sprawled out on the couch, "you're kidding, you have been sleeping on the couch?" He chuckled while nodding, I decided to hold off on the project and see how bad this room was "were going to clean your, you should not be sleeping on the couch because it's that bad" I dragged him over to the hallway letting him lead me to his bedroom.

It was last door in the hallway, a 'do not enter sign' hung from a nail with in the door, he looked back at me before opening it, it was in fact a mess, 4 trash bags in the corner, clothes scattered everywhere, cups and plates on literally any surface, "what the fuck dude, how did it get this bad?" He smiled at me "I honestly don't know because I'm never in here that much" I walked in making sure I watched my step, "we're cleaning this, like today" his face fell.

"No we have the proje-" I cut him off, "no that can wait we have 3 weeks to do it"I took of my jacket and his vest handing them to him, he turned around and set them in the kitchen, I yelled at him to get a few trash bags. He came back and handed them to me "ok let's do this" I knew he wasn't happy about cleaning but he smiled at me nonetheless.

After grabbing any trash plus dishes the room wasn't looking any different, "god dude, your room is worse then my little sisters" he chuckled "you have a sister?" I nodded in response and I threw the last trash bag out into the hallway "yea she's 9, and honestly I thought her room was the worst a room can get, it looks like if a fairy threw up in there" we both laugh, I look over at vance who is sitting on what I can assume is his bed.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask grabbing his hamper, picking up any clothes I see and throwing them in there "that I know of no" he tossed me some clothes, I grabbed most of the clothes I could see and putting the very full hamper out into the hallway as well, vance got up dragging the hamper with him threw the kitchen and to the laundry room in the back, I helped him sort out the clothes putting the first load into the washer.

"God what time is it?" Vance's looked into the kitchen "5:30 wow we have only been doing this for an hour" I sigh, walking over to the living room I looked around, there were a few pictures of vance as a kid, some were with a lady I was guessing was his mother, she had long curly hair like Vance. I saw him from the corner of my eye walk into the living room "ew no what are you doing" he said going to grab the picture I was holding, I dodged him running to the other side of the room.

"Is this your mom Vance?" I ask him, he rolls his eyes "I'm taking that as a yes" I laugh, I looked at the bottom of the photo to see a what seemed young Vance smiling with a toy bear, "Im guessing this cutie is you" I say pointing to the boy in the pictures Vance's face goes red, probably from embarrassment and rage, "dude seriously that picture is gross" I walk over to the other shelf grabbing what looked like a middle school photo, his hair was short and shaggy.

I laughed at the picture, vance came up behind me starching the photos from my hands, he put the hin a cabinet where he had shoved the rest of the photos in "you're no fun" I said sitting down on the couch, he walked over to the back off the couch and looked down at me "like thought you looked adorable in those photos" I stuck my tongue out at him.

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