Part Two

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I gave up fighting Mark as I was led around the back of his mansion through a large, iron gate. He opened a black bulkhead door, the smell of damp and mould hit me instantly. If it wasn't for the muzzle I would've heaved. "Your living quarters are down here." He announced, prodding me gently. I reluctantly stepped through the door and walked down the rickety steps, the smell was stronger now. "W-where..." I tried to speak but only dribbled more. "You'll see." Mark replied, as if knowing what I was asking.

The last step led me to a huge basement, my heart sank as my eyes widened. It wasn't a normal basement, it was full of torture devices and equipment. I tried to back up but Mark pushed me forward. "Welcome home." He cooed. I shook my head in protest, Mark stepped past me so we could see each other before removing the muzzle. "W-what are you going to do to me?" I squeaked. He just smiled in response before tossing the muzzle onto a work bench. "Please Mark! Don't hurt me! I just want to go home!" I cried as he dragged me further into the basement. I pulled forward towards the door but he was too strong, a pain filled gasp escaped my lips as the harness taunted, almost winding me. "You're not going anywhere until I say so." I heard him mutter. I grabbed onto the pieces of furniture to try and stall him but my sweaty fingers just slipped off, I stumbled backwards into Mark. "Stop resisting." Mark turned and pushed me into the wall, my gaunt frame hit it hard and I slumped to the ground. "Antisepticeye is it? What a horrible name." Mark leaned over me and fastened the leash to the wall. I looked up at him as I began to well up. "M-Mark? S-Sir, please just let me go, I'm sorry what happened to your family, but you can't just blame us all." I sniffed. He looked at me coldly. "I'd shut up if I were you, you're already in trouble." He turned around and headed back into the other part of the basement. "Where are you going? You can't leave me here!" I yelped, pulling on the chain to no avail.

"I'm giving you one last chance, shut up!"

I wiped my eyes and sat back against the cold wall. I'm going to die here...I know it...and I'll never get to see my mother again...

I looked up as Mark approached, he was holding something under his arm. "Right, time for me to explain what is going to happen." He sat on an old stall a few feet from me. "I already know what you're doing to us, you're enslaving us." I sniffed, turning away from him. He chuckled quietly under his breath. "Clever little demon, you will soon be someone's slave yes, but not before you're trained." Mark explained. "Trained?" I repeated. He nodded, "you're a naughty demon, most comply and accept their fate. But, you just want to make life difficult." He opened a book and rested it on his knees. "Demons address their masters only when spoken to, they only speak when spoken to, they do all asked of their masters and don't resist." He turned the page, "if demons don't comply with their masters, they will be punished. Punishments are given depending on what their slave has done or not done, and will only end when their master says so." I didn't reply, my head was resting on my arms which were crossed over my knees. "Do you understand, Anti?" He asked. I looked up and nodded reluctantly. "Good. When you're bought by your new master, you'll be tagged, collared and put to work. My advice would be to what they want if you don't want to be hurt." I wiped my eyes, "but I don't want to be a slave, I want to go home!" I sobbed. "That's why you're here. I'm not having my reputation ruined because I can't break a demon. You'll learn soon enough." He stood up and headed out of sight. "You won't break me!" I shouted in protest, "I'm nobody's slave!" My shaky voice echoed around the basement but fell on deaf ears. My ears pricked up as I heard rustling. "You shouldn't have said that." Mark replied. I gulped. He appeared with a long spiked whip in his hand. "This is the first of many punishments you'll endure, until you learn to behave, I won't let up." He approached. I stood and pulled as hard I could to release the chain from the wall, my breathing heavy and sweat dripping from my forehead. "No! No!" I screamed as the whip hit my back, the crack echoed around the basement and rung in my ears. "Stop!" I begged, feeling the warm trickling blood running down my back. "Apologize, apologize for disrespecting me!" Mark ordered. I tried to dodge him but the chain was too short, the whip caught my arm, ripping into my skin. "Apologize!" He growled, hitting me again. As much as my body stung and my wounds bled, I couldn't submit to him, I was determined to not let my strong will get broken. "N-no! I will not obey!" I growled through my teeth. Mark laughed lowly. "It's useless trying to resist me, you know I'll win." He chuckled. I tried to hold in my screams as he whipped me again, my hands were pressed firmly against the ground and my back was arched upwards. "Come on, let me hear you apologize and I'll stop." He cooed. I shook my head, dribble dropped onto the floor and over my hands. "Never!" I spat, kicking my legs in an effort to push him away. "Haha, fighting back now are we?" I felt his foot hit my backside, I fell forward and hit my head on the wall. "That won't work, you hit me and I'll hit harder!" He laughed. He continued to whip my back, my skin became numb from the pain as blood continued to soak into my clothes. "Even if you kill me, it'll be a better fate than being a slave!" I howled. The whipping stopped, the room fell silent. I heard gentle footsteps as Mark moved away. "Is that what you want then, hmm? You want me to kill you?" He asked as I turned around. "Well, let me tell you something." He leaned in so close that I could smell his breath. "I've been doing this a long time, and I know just how to torture someone so they stay alive as long as possible...and you're not dying here young demon, you'll be an obedient slave before your time is up." 

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