Fight at the park? Count me in!

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—————>2nd POV<—————
"Look at you, making friends already." Sherry said looking at Dre with a smile on her face while leaning against the wall.

"I'm Dre's mom, you can call me Ms. Sherry." She said shaking Harry's hand with both hands. "I'm Harry." He said "Hi Harry!" Sherry exclaimed. "And you are?" Sherry asked while looking towards you.

"Y/n." You answered, shaking her hand. "Well it's nice to meet you y/n." Sherry said smiling. "Like wise." You answered.

You helped carry the heavy boxes into the apartment, and put them down somewhere out of the way. You had them stacked on top of each other so you wouldn't have to make another trip.

Sherry was going to ask if you wanted help with them, but seeing as you weren't struggling, she let you be.

—————>2nd POV<—————
After putting boxes into the apartment, you, Dre, and Harry, decided to head over to the park. You and Harry went to wait for Dre because his mom had told him to go call the maintenance man(your dad).

Harry was on the court playing with some other kids in basketball. Meanwhile, you were playing with a spider you found in a tree.

—————>Y/n POV<—————
Not much time had passed and Dre had finally showed up. I was still under the tree playing with the spider. Harry went and talked to the kids on the court, which I'm guessing he had asked if Dre could play.

"Pass! Pass!" Dre called out. Right when he got hold of the ball, he ended up shooting it towards the hoop, only for it to go over it. Everyone looked at him with a 'wtf' look. "I got jet lag. I'm just gonna.." Dre said walking away. 'Damn. That's embarrassing.' I thought as I watched him walk away.

From then on I had zoned out, still playing with the spider. Thaaat was until I heard yelling going on. I looked up and looked around and ended spotting Dre in front of a girl, along with a boy who was arguing with the girl.

'What the hell?' I thought as I seen Dre picking up a girl's music notes. "Leave it." The boy said. Dre only continued to pick them up as, both the girl and the boy, went back to arguing. Dre tried handing the girl back her papers, only to have them slapped out of his hands."what the heck dude!" Dre yelled. "I said leave it!" The boy yelled.

Dre, once again, picked up the papers and attempted to hand them back the second time. The boy seen this and tried to smack them out of his hand again, but Dre moved his hand out of the way before that happened. This ended up pissing the boy off and he ended up shoving Dre's face, causing him to fall. 'Oh hell no.' I thought as I placed the spider down and started making my way over.

Dre ended up getting back up and got into a fighting stance. As I was still walking over, a circle of people started to form. The girl who Dre was with tried to step in before anything else happened but two other boys, which I assumed were the friends of the boy who shoved Dre, ended up holding her back.

The boy who shoved Dre, beckoned him to make a move. Dre did just that and ran over to him attempting to land a hit on him.

The boy simply ducked down, grabbed Dre's ankles, and flipped him over his back.

While this was happening I was in the middle of the crowd trying to get to Dre to help him out and/or stop the fight. I became irritated and started to push people out of the way, not caring if they got hurt or not. Which most of them did.

By the time I got out of the circle, the boy had punched Dre in the face. He tried to land another hit on him but I shoved him off before he could.

"That's enough." I said to the boy who I pushed off of Dre. Apparently he didn't take it lightly, as he ran at me, ready to land a hit in me.

—————>2nd POV<—————
Cheng didn't understand what had happened. One moment he was close to punching you, the next he was on the floor groaning in pain from the lack of air, and holding his cheek.

See what happened was, right as Cheng was about to punch you, you having fast reflexes, punched him in the stomach, and then landed another punch onto his face.

He moved his hand in front of his face to see blood on it. He looked up at you, and then glanced at your hand to see it had blood on it, along with a sharp set of rings.

His friends looked in fear at the sight in front of them, that they had loosened their grip on Meiying.

She took this as a chance to go check on Dre along with Harry.

"Go home." You said as you looked back at Cheng. He was standing a little hunched with his arm on his stomach, and the other one on his cheek, trying to prevent the blood that was coming out.

You turned around and headed over to Dre.

         —————>y/n POV<—————
"You doing alright there Parker?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

"Are you sure?" The girl asked, concern visible in her voice.

"I said I'm fine!" Dre said angrily. He got up and stormed off.

The girl sighed and got up. "Is he going to be okay?" The girl asked still worried.

"I'm sure he will." Harry answered.

"I'm sorry. I'm Meiying." The girl, now known as Meiying said.

"I'm Harry." Harry said smiling a bit.


"Well it was nice meeting you two. But I have to get going now. Sorry again." Meiying said before walking over to get her stuff and walked off.

"I should probably get going too." Harry said still watching Meiying walking away. I looked over at him as he did the same and  I nodded. "Me too. I gotta check up on Rex." I said. "Tell him I said 'hi' for me, yeah?" Harry said smiling. "Yeah man. He'll be happy." I said.

Harry chuckled and put his hand out for a handshake. "Hey where'd you learn how to do that?" Harry asked in the middle of the handshake. "Do what?" I asked, sticking my hands into my pocket.

"The whole quick punching and stuff." He answered.

"My dad." I said.

"Ohh okay. You're pretty quick. It was like a blur when it happened."

"Was it really?" I asked a bit surprised.

"Definitely. Well then. I should probably go now. See ya later cherry." Harry said walking backwards. I did a two finger salute at him before heading home.

'Man. Today was wild.'

I'm sorry this took so long to come out I was on and off with and had to restart on it cause of the amount of time I kept changing things up😭😭.

But other than that I hoped y'all liked this chapter! I ALSO TURNED 14!!!( it happened a week ago today-) BUT STILLL!!!

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