Unwanted memories

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Y/n POV:

Darkness was all you seen. You looked around and noticed a light, in a shape of where a door would go, not too far from you. You looked skeptical at it till you heard a child's laugh. A familiar laugh.

You started walking towards it slowly. You stopped in front of it. It looked like a park. You were hesitant on stepping inside. You were about to resist it and walk away till you heard the same laugh as you did earlier.

You grunted irritatedly before stepping inside. Once you got through, you squinted your eyes from the brightness. You blinked a couple of times to help your eyes get used to the brightness.

You looked around and seen an all too familiar park. Once again, you heard the laugh, but this time a child and what looked to be their father, ran past you.

You were caught off guard and looked at the pair you realized who they were.

There you seen 9 year old you, running away from your biological dad while laughing.

There was two other people sitting on a blanket that was laying neatly on the grass, watching you and your dad run around. You remembered them as your mom and older brother.

It changed to where everyone was sitting down on the blanket, and watched as you opened a present.

You took out the gift and saw a pair of goggles your dad got you for your birthday. You always wore it everyday since then.

The goggles were handmade by your dad. They looked like gold cogwheels paired up together, the lenses automatically tinted in the sun or in any light, and of you turned certain wheels, something would pop out.

You loves hiding things in them. He even have you a lock pick in private, knowing your mother wouldn't approve you having it.

Then out of nowhere, everything faded till it looked like a dark room, and in front of you was you and your brother peacefully asleep while cuddled up to each other.

Oh how you missed moments like these.

You stared at the scenery for a while till you heard whispering.

You looked where it might be coming from and seen the bedroom door slightly cracked opened with light shining through.

You walked over and stepped into the hallway, making sure to close the door as it was before, and walked close to the kitchen where the whispering was coming from.

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