Back to socializing with people? Might as well just lay down and die

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Underlined - Spanish

F/c = favorite cereal( or if you don't like cereal you can choose something else)

3rd POV(wow that's new):
Mr. Han had just set down a bowl and a couple of different cereal options down for y/n after she got ready.

She wore a white plain T-shirt, blue ripped jeans, and rings. She had decided to put little pigtails in her hair and of course, had her mask on along with her hair covering her eyes.

Mr. Han was eating noodles as usual. Until he heard a, "SHIT!". He didn't understand what it meant, but he had taken a guess that you had fallen because he heard a 'thud'.

"Y/n. Are you okay?" Mr. Han called from the kitchen. A second went by before y/n replied with a,

"Yeah. I just need to get a bandaid real quick." Y/n called. Mr. Han sighed and shook his head before going back to eating.

Y/n came into the kitchen about 2 minutes later and sat down.

"What happened?" Mr. Han asked not looking up from his cup of noodles.

"I tripped and fell onto a nail that was sticking out of the floor." Y/n replied grabbing a box of f/c.

"Will you be okay?" Mr. Han asked concerned.

"I should be. Besides, I've had many rocks get stabbed into my knee from skateboarding." Y/n replied before taking a spoon of cereal into her mouth.


2nd POV:
As you were walking to school, you ended up running into Sherry and Dre.

"Hey y/n! How are you this morning?" Sherry asked happy to see you.

"Hey Ms. Sherry. I'm alright. How about you? Are you finding things well so far?" You asked.

"Yeah actually." Sherry said happily.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad." You replied.

The rest of the way to school, you and Sherry made small talk and some comments. Finally, you ended up at the front of the school where the principal, Ms. Po, was waiting for you and Dre.

"Hello I'm Ms. Po. The principal." She introduced. Holding her hand out to shake Sherry's. "Sherry." She replied shaking Ms. Po's hand. "And this is Dre." Sherry added.

"We only wear uniforms on uniform day." Ms. Po said.

"That's my fault, I didn't check the dress code schedule." Sherry sheepishly said.

"Hats are not permitted." Ms. Po informed again. Sherry took off Dre's hat and he instantly looked away from her. Sherry's smile had fallen and turned Dre's head to face her.

"Dre- is that makeup?" Sherry exclaimed a bit, rubbing of some foundation he had under his eye. "Did you get into a fight?"

"Mom I ran into a pole."

'Ain't no way he just- even a 5 year old can come up with a better lie than that smh.' You thought while deadpanning at him.

"Fights are not aloud." Ms. Pop said butting into the conversation.

"You heard him he ran into a pole." Sherry said before moving Dre over to the side.

Ms. Po smiled before turning to you. "You must be Ms. Han, correct?" She asked. You have a nod, indicating she was right.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you." She said and held her hand out. "Likewise." You replied.


You looked over and seen Sherry looking over at you. You walked over and stood by Dre.

"Did anything go on at the park yesterday? Any fights?" Sherry asked, hoping to get an answer from you. You shook your head no before saying,

"Dre, Harry, and I, we're playing tag and I ended up going after Dre. I accidentally pushed him a little hard tho and caused him to slam against a pole," you paused before turning to Dre. "Sorry for laughing at you by the way. I couldn't resist." You added.

Dre gave you a small glare, and Sherry only chuckled at your response.

"Well alright then. Thank you y/n." Sherry thanked. Still laughing a bit.

Ms. Po started walking you and Dre to the school doors before Dre heard his mom say something. Having him die of embarrassment.

"I love you."

This caused Dre to spin around quickly, almost breaking his neck in the process.

"Mom!" Dre complained.

"Dre. I said I love you." Sherry repeated giving him a small glare. "Okay. I love you too." He said after he looked around cautiously.

He turned around and went over to Ms. Po who was waiting by the door.

You looked at Sherry and blew her a small kiss. This caught her by surprise, but she blew one back and waved goodbye while smiling. You returned the gesture and followed Dre and Ms. Po, who were still waiting for you.

Im gonna end it here for now cause I have to go on campus for testing again🧍‍♀️

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