Dre's breakdown

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2nd POV:

"Dad, I'm going out! I'll see you in a bit!" You called out. You were gonna take Rex on a walk since he seemed bored.

"Okay! Don't get into trouble." He called back

"I'll try." You said. You clipped Rex's leash onto his collar, and began walking. Rex seems happy since he had a little pep in his step as his tail was wagging, and what seemed like a smile on his face

You walked for a couple of minutes before you came across Sherry and Dre.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Sherry asked happy to see you.

"I'm doing good. How are you?" You asked.

"I'm doing just fine. What are you up to?" She asked. "Nothing much, taking Rex out on a walk since he was bored." You said nodding your head over to Rex. He still had his tail wagging with his tongue sticking out.

"Aww he's adorable." Sherry complimented. "Do you wanna pet him?" You offered. "Sure!" She said.

After that, Sherry had insisted you walked with her and Dre, which you agreed to.

"Hey uhm, can you sign this?" Dre asked as he handed his mom a small stack of papers while they walked. They were permission sheets for a field trip.

'I still haven't asked dad to sign them.' You thought. Sherry examined the papers.

"You're going to the Forbidden City?" She asked. She gave a small chuckle. "I think it's funny that you have to get my permission to go to the Forbidden City." She tucked the papers away in her bag. "I got pull in Beijing." She said while flicking her hand a bit.

"That's not funny, mom." Dre said while looking at her. "Oh cut it out, grumpy." Sherry replied as she scooped up some ice cream she had. She put a spoon full in her mouth before talking. "I'm serious Dre, this I've cream, I don't know what they do to it, but it's more flavor-istic." She trailed off a bit. "What?" She asked when she heard you and Dre laugh a bit.

"Mom, this is you." He said before doing an impression.

"Oh, my goodness, the ice cream here is so good, and everything in China is so much better than everything else- Ah mom, come on!" Dre complained while wiping the ice cream off his forehead Sherry had smeared. It made you laugh a bit harder.

"First of all, I don't sound like that, and I don't move all like that." She said. Dre looked up at her before something had caught his eye. His expression changed from one of irritation to one of slight enthusiasm.

"We should've got you some ice cream it's really good." Sherry mentioned.

"Mom, mom, come on." He called before walking off. "Dre." Sherry called out while taking in another spoon full.

"Mom, come one!" Dre said a bit impatiently. "Wait! Wait for me Dre. Wait." Sherry exclaimed while trying for to run after him. You sighed and made sure to hold onto Rex's leash and ran after them.

Dre quickly crossed the street before he called out to his mom once more. Sherry looked back and seen a sign of what seemed to be of a Kung fu teacher. She looked back and seen Dre was already across the street as cars honked.

"Dre wait!"


"Wait, wait!"


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