Rlly cool and creative title

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2nd POV:

Right now you were leaned back in your seat, fidgeting with your pencil, and bouncing your leg.

It was your last period and all you could think about was Rex and if he was ok. You stared at the clock on the wall impatiently, waiting for the bell to ring, signaling class was over.

'Can't this thing go any faster?' You thought while rolling your eyes in annoyance.

Finally after what felt like ages, the bell had rung.

'Holy shit it's a miracle.'  You thought to yourself.

Everyone, including you, immediately got up and started packing their belongings into their backpack's and quickly headed for the door.

The teacher told them about studying and reviewing everything about the subject, but no one cared to listen as they wanted to go home.

You sped walked through the hallways eager to go back home and play with your dog.

You stopped by your locker to grab your skateboard, then slammed your locker shut.

You placed your skateboard down and quickly started riding it through the hallways since you were already worn out from walking all over the place, and also because your social battery ran out after lunch.

You finally made it outside campus and started heading to your house, desperate to see Rex.

"Rex, I'm home!" You called out to him.

A head peaked out from your room. It was Rex.

Once he seen you, he charged at you happily. Once he was close enough he tackled you, jumping all over the place.

It was a little difficult, but once you managed to sit up, he rolled over onto his back wanting belly rubs.

You shook your slightly with a sigh but gave him what he wanted nonetheless.

You tried making yourself comfortable knowing you were gonna be there for a while.

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting much anymore I'm literally running out of ideas😭

N e ways what did you guys do for Christmas? Or what was your favorite gift you got?

𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙢𝙗Where stories live. Discover now