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Y/i = your initial

2nd POV:

"Mixed up your schedules?" Dre exclaimed in disbelief. You nodded with an irritated sigh.

"All the classes they changed are with Cheng and his friends, so it might not be that bad." You said trying to give him reassurance. "Hopefully." You mumbled to yourself.

Both of you rounded a corner, only to see Cheng and his friends coming closer. Dre pulled you behind a brick wall to hide from them before they seen you two.

After a few seconds you heard they were gone, and we're about to walk before Dre looked over at two doors and heard what sounded like a violin playing from inside. He looked over at you, to which you only gave a shrug.

He turned back and started walking towards the door.

You shrugged and walked away to the girls bathroom. You didn't need it, you just didn't wanna go to class early.

Once you got there, you sat on one of the sinks for the time being, and making sure to keep an eye on the time.

Suddenly three girls busted in the bathroom, the middle one looking mad. She looked over at you and stormed over, the other girls doing the same when they seen you.

"Stay away from him!" She yelled. You cocked your head not knowing what the hell she was talking about.

"Don't play dumb, you know who I'm talking about!" She yelled. You still sat there just looking at her. She scoffed.

"I'm talking about Cheng." She said.

"And Liang." The other continued. "And Zhuang!" The last finished. You shook your head in disbelief and got up to walk out of the bathroom not wanting to be around them.

"Wha- hey!" The girl in the middle yelled. She was about to run after you before you slammed the bathroom door shut in her face.

You headed back to where Dre last was but caught three familiar boys at the same spot. Zhuang and Liang opened Dre's backpack and dumped the things out before dropping it and kicking it.

"Just stay away from us." Cheng threatened. He looked over at the auditorium doors before looking back at Dre. "All of us." He finished. The other two boys kicked the backpack again. And almost started walking away before they seen you in front of them.

"Well isn't this a pleasant reunion." You said sarcastically with your arms crossed. The three boys looked up at you in fear and nervousness.

You stayed looking at them till Dre spoke up. "Just leave it cherry." You glanced at him, "We're gonna be late for class." He said. You gave an annoyed sigh but nodded, and walked past the trio.

After you walked passed, they hurriedly walked away. You on the other hand, helped Dre pick up his folders and books that had gotten dumped out of his backpack.

"Thanks." He said in an upset tone. You nodded and slightly patted his head.

He looked up at you and smiled a bit, feeling slightly better with the small interaction.

"C'mon. We don't wanna be late." He said. You nodded and walked with him.

Leaving this here for now🙂

𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙢𝙗Where stories live. Discover now