Lunch time drama👀

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3rd POV(wow shocking):

Y/n sat at the table scrolling through a/o/c while waiting for Dre and Meiying to stop their flirting.

Not long after sitting down she felt two people sit down in front of her. Looking up from her phone, she seen the two boys at the park who had held Meiying back.

"What do you want." Y/n started, not bothering to hide her annoyed tone. "We haven't even spoken yet and you're already being mean!" Zhuang said a little loud. Liang lightly hit Zhuang's upper arm  with his backhand causing Zhuang to look over at him. Liang lifted his pointer finger and put it against his lips.

Zhuang pouted at him which caused Liang to roll his eyes. He looked back at y/n and started to talk.

"Y'know. Cheng isn't gonna let you not apologizing to him slide." Liang said. Y/n tilted her head slightly in confusion not knowing who Cheng was. Zhuang realized they haven't introduced themselves yet.

"I just remembered we haven't told each other our names." Zhuang suddenly said. Liang looked at him then nodded after realizing it as well

"Oh yeahh. I'll start then." Liang says and turned back to y/n. "I'm Liang." Liang introduced.

"And I'm Zhuang. The guy you punched at the park is Cheng." Zhuang explained, sounding cheery for some reason. Liang nodded.

"What's your name?" Zhuang asked eagerly wanting to know. "Y/n." Y/n answered. Suddenly a loud clash was heard and everyone, including y/n, looked where the sound came from.

"Sorry." A voice apologized, tho it sounded sarcastic. Once you finally seen where they were you, seen Cheng there with his hands up in a defensive way, and a shit eating grin on his face.

"Come on dude!" Dre yelled, and then push Cheng back

"Mr. Parker! Stop it!" Ms. Po said sternly while holding him back. "He just slammed the tray all over me!" Dre explained. Cheng started talking to Ms. Po in Chinese which, obviously Dre couldn't understand. "Whatever he said he's lying!" Dre accused.

"Cheng, go." Ms. Po said while pointing somewhere. "Mr. Parker, go." She pointed somewhere else. Dre walks away angrily while yelling out the words "I hate this place!".

You sighed annoyed and stood up, Zhuang and Liang watched you walk away from the table. You walked passed Cheng, making sure to purposely bump his shoulder harshly with yours.

Ms. Po looked at you confused, you only scoffed at her before continuing to walk, hoping to find Dre and make an attempt to comfort him.

Tho she couldn't see it, she swore she felt you roll your eyes at her after you scoffed. And boy was she right.

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