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"Why did you cry?"


I could immediately hear the boy's sobs again, who hugged me tighter.
He seemed to never want to let me go again.
"Was it because I was at school?"

I could clearly feel the boy's nod.
"But I have to go to school, you have to understand that."

I ran one hand through his hair while I ran my other hand down his erratic back.
Jungkook squeezed as close to me as he could.
It was like I had been gone for years.
"But I promise you that I will never leave you and will always come back to you.
I'll stay with you until you decide to leave."

"But I never want to leave you!
I want to stay with you!"
It calmed me down somehow to hear that, but I knew deep down that the younger boy, who was so close to me, still didn't really trust me.
He says he trusted me, but it was because I helped him, not because he was friendly with me.
Knowing this broke my heart.

However, I wouldn't give up until Jungkook accepted me as his friend.
I will not give up until he would see me as his family.

"Come on, take a shower first, then you'll feel better."
Jungkook immediately tensed up and pulled away from me.
He looked at me in panic and again many tears flowed down his cheeks.
"B-but I thought you wanted to help me."

"Of course I want to help you, what's so bad about taking a shower?
I'm not going to burst into the bathroom and you were in the shower this morning."
I answer confused.
Jungkook immediately relaxed and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Aren't you coming into the shower with me?
Y-you let me shower alone without getting around to touch me?"

Even more confused than before, I nodded but didn't question anything.
It was still too early to ask about his past.

"You'll find the towels in the closet under the sink.
Feel free to take clothes from me since you're almost as tall as me.
I'm sure you know where my clothes are."

What happened to Jungkook that makes him think I would hurt him or touch him when he takes a shower?


Part 20 letz go


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