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The Vanguard looked around him, desperate for answers, but hearing nothing.

Then the voices started.

The terrible, endless, voices.

Echoing from every conceivable crack and crevice in the known universe.

The pittering and pattering of tiny little feet.

The creeping and crawling of tiny little legs.

The horrors began, and he was in the middle of it.

Already, his mind began to crack, and he was losing himself. He mumbled something, albeit incomprehensible, under his breath, that is, if he was even capable of breathing.

He realized how bleak this situation truly was, as he wandered the endless corridors, he called them. Every form of communication on him had some strange, maniacal laughing whenever he turned them on, a voice so sharp and penetrating it felt as though its owner was standing right next to him.

There was no peace, and there was no solitude, there was only chaos.




But then he saw something that made his day.

Finally, he saw movement through the maze's transparent walls, and he ran to discover his prey.

It was a strange being, wielding some form of weapon, with tan skin and a blue visor.

"Bhegyuskonmsme dmnsuiwhrhf7 98383993i484u." It stated in a jumble of static, before giving a smile and fading away.

The Vanguard knew this was no hallucination.

He was trapped here, by someone or something.

And he recognized the skin color, too. The same skin tone of the mysterious beings who once visited his homeworld in seek of refuge. He didn't know why at the time, but he helped these creatures, who called themselves something along the lines of Earth Union? He couldn't remember. All he knew was that they left after the ships came. After the siege started. He knew they were most likely fugitives of these strange aliens, but he couldn't help but find their efforts charming, in a way.

But none of them were like the being he had just seen. Distorted. Mindwarping. His visitors were very blunt and straightforward, easily understood. But this one spoke in a language he had not heard since the forgotten Old Time. The Distorted Speak. Distortion can be a very powerful thing. He knew this for a fact, since he had fought one of its most powerful users long ago. This creature is, indeed, a reality warper. The one who put him here. And he would seek his revenge.

And he would get it. But not in a way that either he or the creature would expect.

Now that he had the answer to one question, he wanted the answers to the rest of them. He was a very persistent being, the Vanguard, and he would get what he wanted no matter the cost.

As he walked down the chambers and winding hallways, he saw, for a split second, another being, in purple attire, with a crown much unlike his own. But this was only a hallucination, a vision.

Or so he thought, and would think, until he found out the truth.

He remembered the truth. Or maybe he didn't. What....

What was the truth, again?

He had forgotten. Possibly the most important thing in the known universe, and he had forgotten it. Something changed. He knew, somehow, someway, the truth was altered.

But he couldn't begin to grasp why, because he didn't have a clue what the truth even was anymore. He was beginning to fade, but he kept on moving, in fear that he would succumb to exactly the thing they had wanted him to.

He knew who they were. Those beasts. Those monstrosities. They brought only destruction.

But he had brought their own destruction upon them long ago, in the old times. Back when there was no fear, there was no paranoia, and the greatest warrior was the greatest ruler. He was that warrior. He was fearless. until the accident, that is.

He was slipping. He was remembering the old days, but for now he had to concentrate on these days. How he would make it out of here was a mystery to him. What he would do after he made it out was a mystery to him.

But he had no fear, and he stayed calm and cool.

For now.

That is the end.
Also, do note, this is a FANFICTION, therefore, almost nothing will be completely accurate in terms of actual Tower Blitz lore.
And yes, Bobo is an evil reality warping warlock. Dont question it.

Im finishing this story, unlike my other ones, so don't worry, 3am me will have enough chapter ideas to rewrite every novel in the library of congress.
And please excuse any misspellings, mobile typing is pain.

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