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The Vanguard walked over to the building where he was supposed to get his first mission.

He had joined the X-Faction simply because he believed that they were not at fault, the United Earth Command was for ever coming to his homeworld in the first place.

And he wanted his revenge, as he believed that they were the same species as the "Bobo" creature who had trapped him for so long, reducing his memories to near nothing, only to give them back once again, for him to ponder while trapped in his stone prison.

His first mission was to recover the remaining nine Mirrors, self explanatory supernatural machines used to clone any being. To an extent, anyways. Unfortunately, they could not clone those like himself, as they had a power limit. One of these Mirrors was stolen by the UEC in their first squabble with the X-Faction.

The other nine were scattered across planets in the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies, and, funnily enough, one of them was on his now desolate homeworld.

He was given a fleet of seven spaceships, named the Hammer, after his trusty weapon, to seek out all of these Mirrors.

Of course, the first one was relatively easy, as he just walked into a cave near his hometown and grabbed the Mirror.

Eight to go.

He encountered trouble with the second one, however, as it turns out there was a band of natives, all equipped with space age technology, guarding it.

He sent an offensive squadron of two hundred and fifty basilisks, ninety revivers, twenty gargantuans, ten mages, and five bolts to dispatch the threat.

It was a short lived battle, however, as a flamethrower team annihilated the basilisks, landmine setups decimated the revivers and mages, and the gargantuans and bolts were stopped dead in their tracks by high-powered laser rifles.

This aggravated the Vanguard to no end. He swore to avenge his fallen forces, no matter the cost, so, instead of normally taking a shuttle down, he jumped out the emergency hatch and crashed into the surface of the planet, immediately massacring over half the enemy force.

They were clearly not ready to fight an enemy his size, and were shocked to realize that he could run almost half as fast as the bolts could.

They were dead in a matter of seconds.

The Vanguard's commanding officer, who was overseeing his first mission, knew now that he was no laughing matter.

There were now seven Mirrors to go until the mission was complete.

Unbeknownst to the Vanguard, however, this was actually a suicide mission that the Overlord sent him on, expecting him to be annihilated by the space age natives he had just destroyed. Unfortunately for them, the Vanguard was two stories tall, which on its own is absurd, even more so when you realize he can strike with his hammer fast enough to break the sound barrier.

The third Mirror was located on a volcanic planet, home to relics of the past.

This was a relatively simple mission as well, due to the fact that the Vanguard's armor rendered him invulnerable towards liquid-based attacks, and had a melting point far greater than diamonds.

Five remained.

The fourth was located on a lush, green planet, inhabited by many strange creatures, such as a reptile with a gigantic extending mouth and scales, which was apparently a massive version of an earth creature.

Several of these were guarding the Mirror, aswell as a metal golem.

All were quickly dispatched by a couple of hammer strokes.

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